Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Cathedral (New York City, New York) | Romanesque (architecture), archbishop, Maronite Church, interesting place, catholicism, 1840s construction, historic remains

USA / New Jersey / Hoboken / New York City, New York
 cathedral, Romanesque (architecture), archbishop, Maronite Church, interesting place, catholicism, 1840s construction, historic remains
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Designed in the Romanesque Revival style by Richard Upjohn 1844 as Church of the Pilgrims. It is most known for its salvaged fixtures which have been used as architectural features: the exterior doors were the salvaged dining hall doors of the SS Normandie ocean liner, the mahogany doors in the narthex were originally from the mansion of Charles M. Schwab, the sanctuary's flooring was removed from the French and Lebanese Pavilions at the 1939 New York World's Fair, and the baptistery gates date back to 17th century Northern Italy.

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Coordinates:   40°41'39"N   73°59'38"W
This article was last modified 2 years ago