Natore Dighapatiya Rajbari (Uttara Gano Bhaban)

Bangladesh / Nator / natore road
 palace, museum, presidential residence

"Dighapatia Rajbari" is also known as "Uttara Gonobhobon". During the visit at Northern part of the country, Mr. President used to stay at this house, that's why its called "Uttara Gonobhobon".This is only 1-2 kilometer apart from the main town of Natore. You can reach there by any vehicles or rickshaws. The whole rajbari premise is around 43 acres. It was initially built by Dayaram Roy. But during the cataclysm of the earthquake of 1897 it was almost wrecked. After that it was rebuilt by Pramada Nath Roy.This is a highly secured palace, and you are not entertained to enter the premise. Every side of the rajbari is occupied with lakes, and after that very high boundary. But if you have the proper permission from the District Commissioner, only then you'll be allowed to enter inside the palace premise.Since this is a highly secured place, and not that much visitor inside of it, thats why its a very tranquil and calm place. No chaos, only sounds from birds, and footsteps from you.Inside the main rajbari, you'll find lots of statues which depict the culture of Greek. Also there are few black colored iron statues available too. Below are the few of the statues from the palace.
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Coordinates:   24°26'24"N   89°0'36"E
This article was last modified 14 years ago