Black Lion Hospital (Addis Ababa)

Ethiopia / Addis Abeba / Addis Ababa
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Tikur Anbesa (literally means Black Lion) is one of the two university hospitals in Ethiopia (the other being Gonder Medical College, now under Gonder University)
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Coordinates:   9°1'13"N   38°44'58"E


  • My Birth Place
  • The University where the Cardiologist and Professor Asrat Woldeyes use to work. I honer this place in his name.
  • I remember my father telling me about the monthly contribution he has been making to build this Great Hospital. How many of us know that the Black lion Hospital is built with a monthly contribution from every Ethiopian during the era of the King? As a matter of chance I was once a remember of one of the departments in this Hospital some twenty three years earlier. What a memorable place!!
  • Mikias...this is where I was born too.
  • were i was born and i grow 100 metters away from black lion hospital Nebyu from usa " " ""
  • Hay i was born here to
  • Shell sefer goes!! funny, I lived in the neighborhood behind SIM across tikur anbesa hopital for most of my life. I was born in the same house because my mom couldn't walk 100m to get to the hospital.
  • yay, i was born there too :-) raised in France but so proud to have been born in Addis and in Black Lion.
  • my birth place to raised in America but proud to have been born in lovely addis
  • Wow i was born there too, back in the early 1980s been living in sweden since that. But the last summer 2010 i visited the black lion. quite impressing work the doctors and nurses pull off every day
  • it was my 1st university choice.eventhough ,am medicine student in mekelle university(my home town).
  • I want know when's black lion hospital established? Is black lion the first name?anyone who knows pls?
  • The name I remember best is "Duke of Harrar" Hospital. My father was the chief architect. He worked on this project from 1963-1967, but I guess that the hospital was not finished until several years later because of financing. I have also heard the hospital being referred to as "Prince Makonnen Memorial Hospital".
  • See our photos from the constuction phase:
  • Can you please send me historical documents and evidences proving your statement.
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This article was last modified 15 years ago