Ozyorsk (Ozyorsk)

Russia / Cheljabinsk / Chelyabinsk-40, Chelyabinsk-65, Ozyorsk / Ozyorsk
 second-level administrative division, draw only border, closed administrative-territorial entity

Ozyorsk is a Closed Administrative-Territorial District (abbreviated to ZATO in Russian) The town was secretly found in the middle of XX century as a place to develop and construct first Russian nuclear weapon. Nuclear plutonium production factories are situated to the south-east of town. For now (2006-06-21) this part of area is photographed with uncommonly good resolution =). That kind of picture is a massive headache of security personnel because it's still "classified". Now only one nuclear reactor is active here.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   55°41'33"N   60°46'1"E
This article was last modified 10 years ago