Quarters Kapitein Vlieger de Hemptinne (Semmerzake)

Belgium / Ost-Flandern / Gavere / Semmerzake / Ten Edestraat
 military, radar station
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ATCC Semmerzake.
The Air Traffic Control Centre provides air traffic control of military air traffic and co-ordination between civilian and military aviation.
This task only gained importance the last 45 years.
Before that, airspace above 7,000 metres belonged to the military fighter aircraft.
However, with the boom of civilian jets, the economical cruising altitude of which is above 7,000 metres, all of this changed.
The ATCC also assists aircraft in distress and provides help during searches.
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Coordinates:   50°56'23"N   3°40'22"E
This article was last modified 15 years ago