Coleman Barracks, US Army Airfield (Mannheim)

Germany / Hessen / Lampertheim / Mannheim
 airport, military, military prison
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Coleman Barracks/Coleman Army Airfield (ICAO: ETOR) is a United States Army military installation located in the Sandhofen district of Mannheim, Germany. It is assigned to U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR) and administered by the U.S. Army Installation Management Command-Europe (IMCOM-E). Coleman Barracks should not be confused with the former "Coleman Kaserne", located in Gelnhausen.
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Coordinates:   49°33'39"N   8°27'52"E


  • It has changed some since the early 70s when I was stationed at Coleman with the 2/13 Inf. Meet a lot of great people there on post and off post. There was a small Wurst stand just past the gate at the bus stop and MP office, best Wurst in the country.
  • D co. 4th of the 8th inf. from oct 86 till july 89.
  • I was stationed at Colemant Barracks 68, 69 & 70. I was in the 52nd Aviation Support. I do remember that Wurst Stand.
  • Yes, I was also a member of the 2/13 Inf between 77 and 80. Between 80 and 82 reenlisted for the 44th Sig. Bn. also on Coleman. The Wurst stand was still there.
  • I was stationed at Coleman Barracks from June '73 to November '74. I was a chaplain's assistant attached to the 5th Infantry. The Wurst stand was the best, the smells from it would often waft in through the open office windows in summer.
  • I was stationed there 1985-1986 with 8th ID, remember the runs down to the river in the early morning fog....
  • I was there 1983-1986 with the 295th avn cyclones, i remember the river runs also. I enjoyed our 4 40's the most because when you got finnished it was free beer and the rest of the day off! :-)
  • I was there 1966-1968 the Wurst stand was there. Kept us MPs going.
  • I was there "72 to 74 and yes that wurst stand was the best my regular order was 2 wursts and a liter "Lift' soda. they were great.
  • Great worst stand- I remember it well. My favorite memory though was working the stockade next to the soccer field and getting the best jaegerschnitzel in all of Europe at the little bar- restaurant next to the field across from the prison.
  • I was in 3/68Th armor division in Coleman Barracks from 1979 to 1983 This was my first oversea duty station. I love Mannheim; the food was great the people were outstanding and I had some of my most memorable times in Mannheim. If I could go back, over there I would go in a heartbeat. I can tell you stories about Mannheim that would blow you away. I should say that if you have the opportunity to go there, I would make it one of your stops you would not be disappointed.
  • I was there 81-83 n the 3/8 cav.that was my 1 oversea duty sta.Had a great time and I would go back n a min.Do anybody rem. the alacazar or the zoo[club]it was the best.
  • Before going to the Support Activity in the Seckenheim area I was the Photo NCOIC with 97th Signal BN. Where you near by......
  • I also can be reached at I lived at the Benjamin Franklin Village at 40 C Washington with my wife and at that time 2 year old daughter. This was during Jan.1968 thru March of 1971. I as also the Master of Arms/INC of the NCO and EM Clubs, both the Upper 5 in the village and at the Seckenheim Barracks at 09333.
  • i was with the 582 nd trans itoo rember that wurst stand and i would order 4 of them every time great times and great people, 71-72
  • I was stationed here from 84-87 with 56th Avn Company, 70th Trans BN. Awesome. Visited again in 2007 and 2010, Still looks the same...Wurst stand/restaurant was moved, and now is gone.
  • I was there 99-02. Who remember the shooting at the Coleman club?
  • I remember, I was there when the male soldier killed his girlfriend then cam in the club shooting
  • I served at the HHC 7th sig Aviation from 72/73 at Coleman Barracks
  • I was there in 87 to 89 it was the greatest
  • hey you remenber mike siebiden
  • Kurt Clements, I was at colman barracks from 85 to 87, I was in the FIST platoon HHC 4th battalion 8th inf forward attached from 29th FA, looking for others in FIST during that period!
  • I was stationed at Coleman from Dec. 1961 to July 1964. At the back of the base near Scharhof, the barracks had the 3 Squadron, 8th Cavalry. Next to them was the 4 Bn.., 68th armor (The 3rd Bn., 68th was stationed then at Sullivan Barracks by BFV. Next to the 68th was the 1st Battle Group of the 18th Infantry. A Battle Group was made up of Hq., A,B,C,D,E and Combat Support Companies (1800 men). There was an Aviation Bn and the 104th Transportation. Lots of other smaller support units. Coleman contained nearly 5000 troops then. In 1963, the 18th was reduced to battalion size and renamed the 2nd Bn, 13th Inf. Mannheim was a wonderful town and I have visited many, many times over the years. My wife of 51 years is from Mannheim.
  • I was in a troop . 80-83 loved it there . Still have dreams that I'm back there . Wished I would have extended my tour . Anyone remember Morgensterns in Sandhoffem
  • Trying to locate a Sgt Rolany (sp) who was the Scoutmaster of the Explorer Troop Squadron #9 in BFV in 1964/65 when the Squadron represented the Transatlantic Council BSA at the NYC Worlds Fair. Or anyone who may have been associated with the BSA. Does this ring any bells? Thanks. Don McAlhany
  • SPC Marshburn. I was stationed at Coleman Barracks from March 1969 to May 1970, and was assigned to the 77th MP Detachment, with duty at the Military Stockade.
  • Same time I was there. Btroop.
  • I was housed in Coleman from 1957-1959. I was a fuel and electric specialist ...........
  • I was at Coleman 1968-1970 in A Co and HHC 97th Sig Bn. In retrospect it is a great memory. Spent a lot of time at that Wurst stand outside the main gate either coming in from town or just walking out with an order for the guys in the barracks. Went back to Germany 5-years ago and the beer is still great!
  • I was there also with the 77th. 1971 to 1973
  • My husband was CO of the Coleman Barracks Prison from 1968 - 1969 - only a year tour of duty for CO's since it was such a high profile, nerve wracking assignment - I think he made the Stars and Stripes about a dozen times in just that one year! Lots of excitement but confinement was not his chosen MO although he seemed to 'stuck' in it after this tour. He was then reassigned to MP Hdqs in K-town and we finally had nice quarters and a safe place for the children to play! We then began to see some of our host country (and others) since he had seldom had opportunity to leave during his time at Coleman! I made up for the lack of his attention by becoming the Chairman of the Red Cross Volunteers at Benjamin Franklin Village in Mannheim, traveling to other chapters for training, etc. At least most weekends we could take the children and go 'castle hunting' in the near vicinity but not until he checked in before we left and when we arrived home, but I could see he never 'let go' and enjoyed himself - high pressure and a difficult year for all of us.
  • I also was there in 1971-1973 , working as a guard at the stockade.
  • 3/8 Cav. 1970-1972 , also remember 1st day in Coleman ... heavy Hash smoke & warm beer. Alot of 3 year people cooling off after Viet Nam, good people.
  • Me too...Cliff Williams
  • Hey Marshburn...I was there with you...Spec5Clifton Williams
  • I was at Coleman Barracks in 1970-1972...HATED that *&^%$# place! :)
  • my name spc4 Morgan a troop 3/8 calvary coleman barrack 1971 thru 72, great 2 year . we play lot of war games. there beer and food was great . I drove a btr recovey unit, to pull those wonderfull sheridan tank back in for repair . I stay in the last barrack on conner . you came in thru upper gate took second street, turn left went to last row of barracks. One on conner was my home for 2 years. Live up stair ,and you didn,t have to smoke hash the smoke was so thick you get high from all the other smoking it.second smoke. I had blast over there with my buddy , know matter how long it been it seem like yesterday.
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This article was last modified 13 years ago