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Spinelli Barracks (Mannheim)

Germany / Baden-Wurttemberg / Ilvesheim / Mannheim
 invisible, closed

Vehicle Depot, Scheduled for closure at 2013 .
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   49°29'58"N   8°31'3"E


  • Terry (guest)
    Had a maintenance detachment her part of 512th Maint Company, in 1978-1980
  • bigdan
    I was TDY at spinelli back in 1967, before that I spend a year at neureut kaserne. I wasn't to happy with the Army but had some good times while I was in Germany.
  • Al Drouin (guest)
    Was at Spinelli in 1963 and transferred to Neureut Kasern in 1963. Germany holds a priviledged period in my life. (At least, how it was then...)
  • big dan (guest)
    Al Drouin - I often wanted to go back for a visit but never did, my son lived in Germany but recently came back to the states. Yeah I imagine it's a lot different than when we were there.
  • Tom (guest)
    I worked there in 1977 as a civilian employee in Locations sections. My job was to inventory all the vehicles on the Pads and in the Warehouses. My work sure got to be boring after while,with a little fun ocassionally,especially after the first Reforger vehicles started coming back. Me and a collegue did some figure 8 racing with Jeeps in the Warehouse, i won't say no more. If i remember correctly Major Britton was the C/O at Spinelli at the time. All in all great memories
  • Bill James (guest)
    I was there in 1963-64. I love it . Had a great time in town. Swui beir und inea brucweirst,bitta. Great time at theoctober fest. Met some "shurn fraulines.
  • Richard Jack (guest)
    Was there in 1966-1968. 12th Supply Company, CO Cpt. Donald E. Culver, Loved every minute I was there. It sure beat going to Vietnam. Loved the egg sandwiches and bier from a little small gasthaus just outside the rear fence. Got to see a lot of a great country. Sorry to see Spinilli go.
  • Robert (guest)
    I was at Spinelli Barracks with the 377th Trans Co. (HET) back in 1978 - 1979. Had Sgt Knight as my platoon leader. Had many good memories with my fellow soldiers and good times on Reforger trips in Germany. Sad to hear they closed Spinelli Barracks.
  • james saling (guest)
    trying to find some friends of SSGT James Burroughs when he was stationed in Germany from 87-89 in mannheim. Does any one know Sgt James Smith or his wife Colleen.
  • Jerry NUSS (guest)
    I was there 1960-61 78th ord. supply co, shipping receiving. Had a lot of bullshit inspections but got to see a lot of Germany. Did enjoy Mannheim and Heidelberg and all the beer festivals and food. They painted all the barracks pastel colors in 61, looked like Disney Land.
  • 916og1951
    I was at Spinelli Barracks from 1971-1972 with the 56th Supply and Service. Had a lot of good times while stationed there.
  • Dan A. Marn (guest)
    Was at Spinelli from 3-62 to 9-64 with the 27th Hated the Army but loved Germany. Got to go to Paris.
  • Tom (guest)
    I was there from Oct 1970 to July 1973 working on Reforger vehicals. the first 5 months we were there we ran 2 --12hour shifts. After that it went to 1 regular shift 5 days a week. Was with the 77 HEMC detachment B. Our regular barracks was at Taylor, but I was lucky enough to spend most of my days at Spinelli.
  • SJ Collins (guest)
    Roger Fulton is looking for an old friend named Dewayne Watouski (not sure of spelling). Roger was in the 377th from Jan 79 until Feb 81 at the Spinellin Barracks as well... Thanks...
  • Bob Bradford (guest)
    Jerry, I was there Dec 59-May 62 63rd Ord. supply co. I remember when all the barracks were painted pastel. Would you believe I visited Spinelli in '72 and the same colors were still there?
  • WAYNE ELLIOTT (guest)
    I was assigned to HHD, 28th Trans Battalion from April 1980 through April 1984 at Spinelli Barracks. I worked at the battalion PAC office as the finance clerk. Are there anyone old Soldiers out there that remembers HHD from 1980-1984? ...looking for SFC Molnar and SPC Colburn...are you out there?
  • Richard Douglas Bass
    I had the pleasure of being in the 150th, (3rd Platoon) from mid '79 to late '81. R. D. Bass
  • David Molina (guest)
    I was stationed there from 89-90 in the 68th. Was (mostly) great times. Just looking at the map brings back a LOT of memories.
  • Gary Rogers
    i was with 377th 72-76
  • Paul Ormson
    I was there with the 81st Ord Co in 64-66. We used to get the egg sandwiches at the end of the month when we were broke. I felt the same way about Vietnam.
  • John work (guest)
    We still kicking huh Jerry.. Johnny Work
  • Art Brubaker (guest)
    I was at Spinelli Barracks from 1960 to 1963. Started in the 63d Ordnance Company and ended in the 7th Army Support Command 19th Ordnance Battalion Headquarters (at Spinelli) in S-2 and as the Public Information Specialist (Received a Unit Citation & Letter of Commendation). Captain Hereford was our CO and Sgt. Reynolds was our First Sargent (great guy). Traveled throughout Europe and visited 13 countries - had a great time! Re-visited Spinelli in 2012,but could not enter the compound - was disappointed. Art Brubaker, Toledo, Ohio.
  • Art Brubaker (guest)
    Bob, I think I remember you. Were you from Toledo?
  • Jeff Gossard (guest)
    I was at Spinelli Barracks from 1988 to 1990. Had the time of my life serving with the 150th Trans Co.
  • Art Brubaker (guest)
    Bob, were you from Toledo? Art Brubaker
  • KaLynda Sweitzer (guest)
    I was stationed at Spinelli Barracks from August 1987 to July 1989. I was with the 598th Transportation Company. I loved being stationed there. Many, many good times.
  • Mike Daane (guest)
    Jeff I was stationed at SPinellI Barracks from 1988 till 1992 was also with the 150th Trans co.
  • Carla Posusney
    I was at Spinelli/ Coleman barracks 1981- 1983 then end of 1983 to 1984 and loved every minute of it. I wish I could go back. I was Spc. Beasley stayed in admin bldg.
  • Jim (guest)
    Paul I was there with the 81st Ord Co in 63-66. Wonder if you knew SP/4 Friel, Sp/4 Jackson, Sp/4 Osborne, Sp/4 LaFontaine?
  • Wayne Springer
    I was stationed in Spinelli barracks from 1971 to 1974 with B CO. 56th S&S BN, 1st support Brig working at AK4613
  • ken johnson (guest)
    I was there in the 15th same time
  • Alan Granger
    I was also stationed at SPinell Barracks from 1988 thru 1992 and was in Maintenance in the 150th Trans. Co. Does anyone know if anyone found the time capsule that was buried by the flag pole? Hey Jeff, this is Alan Granger. How are things going?
  • Bonnie Williams (guest)
    I was there, assigned to the 377th between 1983 and 1984, Bonnie Talbert. HET driver, are there any others out there?
  • Norm Gagnon (guest)
    Hi I was battalion mail clerk 1971 & 72. Does anyone remember Mom's trink hal down the street. Cold beer and her egg special sandwiches. Good times! Norm Gagnon
  • RWD (guest)
    was stationed at spinelli in 1983 84 85 was with the 377th trans company what a time I had there. one million miles
  • RWD (guest)
    I remember you bonnie Robert duvall
  • Jerry c (guest)
    Hey Robert I was there 78 81 only Mexican American from San Antonio to get 45000 accident free miles on 911 ,Jerry c
  • John Kenny (guest)
    Art, I was at Spinelli Baracks, 63rd Ordnance Company, July 1960 to Sept 1962. I worked for W/O Hartman, maintaining inventory records. I don't remember our CO's name, but Nations was our 1st Sargent. I ended up getting transferred to a petroleum depot in France that was rotating back to the States. I finished my enlistment at Ft Leonard Wood, was discharged Feb 1963. I have not been back to Spinelli Barracks, but was aware it was being closed. My memory these days is not too hot and all of my memories were inadvertently tossed out in the late 60s. I've not been in contact with anyone. Besides Sargent Nations, about the only person I remember is a black fellow that called himself Calypso Joe! Do you remember me? John Kenny
  • Mike Doane
    I was in the 598th Trans Co from 1976-1979 as a mechanic. Never forget it. The egg specials at Mom's with white wine and coke. Softball league against other companies. Great times, great memories. Mike Doane
  • James Sgarlata (guest)
    Hi Richard whent to basic training with you I was in the 598th across from you James Sgarlata from 1979-1985
  • J,D. Newsome guest (guest)
    I was also in the 27TH engineers at Spinelli barracks 1962-1964 J,D. Newsome
  • Wayne Springer
    I was there from 1971 to 1973, was in supply room 1st year, then went to the AK4613 warehouses to work, my name is Wayne Springer was unit armor in supply room, my supply sgt was SFC Vincent, my commander was Capt. Sanchez... I am on Face Book using my own name, look me up, I miss my friends
  • Wayne Springer
    I remember the egg sandwiches... sadly the gasthaus is gone too,,, building is completely gone
  • Wayne Springer
    yes the egg sandwiches were great
  • Robert Damian Martinez
    Correction from June 1978 through December 1979
  • Robert Damian Martinez
    Hello Robert I was assigned with the 377th Trans Co also from June 1978 through December 1979 do you remember me?
  • Jack Smith (guest)
    I was in the 1st Maint BN, the first barracks on the left in Aug. '66- Dec. '68.
  • Richard Everett (guest)
    I remember the buck and a was in 377th 1982-83 .Richard Everett
  • Dave P (guest)
    I was with the 16th, next door Dec 67 to June 1968. Dave
  • Tom McCormick (guest)
    I was with the 27th Eng from 1961-1964 in Spinelli Barracks
  • James Pearce (guest)
    I was in the 78th field supply co. from 1958-1960
  • Carl Braddock (guest)
    I was in the 377th 1973-74. I was there when they moved the 377th from Turley to Spinelli. I was a draftee and remember being homesick as hell but man did we have a good time! I was a company clerk and lucked up and had a great First Sergeant. James K. Bunting. I see he finally made it to E9 doing a google search of his name. I would have followed that guy through the gates of hell. Great memories of Mannheim. I wish I had kept up with my Army buddies but I didn't. I understand Spinelli is closed now. I wish I could have gone back for a visit before that happened. While I was only in for 2 years I have to say that it was an experience that changed my life for the better and i'm proud to say that my life has been onward and upward ever since my discharge in 1974. I salute all my fellow Army veterans out there.
  • Hollis Dewitt (guest)
    I was in the 78th ord 58-59
  • Dave (guest)
    I was with the 16th until REFORGER in 1968
  • Jack Smith (guest)
    Dave, I was in the 1st. Maint. Bn. at the same time you were in the 16th. After you guys in the 16th went back to the states in Reforger part of our unit moved into the third floor barracks and took over the mess hall that belonged to the 16th. I was in the 1st Maint Bn. from Aug '66 to Dec. of '68.
  • mathew williams (guest)
    Robert I remember sgt knight can we talkmathew williams
  • mathew williams (guest)
    looking for some old friends from 377th trans year 1978 to1981 tony ruff;allen;stevenson;just to name afru.
  • mathew williams (guest)
    had Robert1978-1981 377th trans Mathew Williams remember me gate guard
  • robert (guest)
    Yes I remember Ruff we shared the same room in Spinelli Barracks with someone else too I can't remember. I remember Wilkens, Chizim, Fred Drye he was the comedian in the barracks, Jerry Carranco we were from the same state of Texas. Someone named Noll or Null, Otterphul. Do you remember these guys but I might not spelled it correctly.
  • mathew williams (guest)
  • Gilbert Colon (guest)
    Wow, I was in the 150th transportation Co. Spinelle Barracks 1981 to 1983. I still stay in touch w/my good friend from La, Ca “Big Time” Kevin Alexander. Anybody stationed back in da day Spinelli Barracks hit me up. Gilbert Colon
  • David Morris (guest)
    David Morris, I was in Headquarters Detachment, 19th Ord Bn, Spinelli Barracks. I was a clerk typist in the Adj.'s office, for First Sgt. Giannola, and Adj. Capt. Lewis. from Spring 1959 to Fall of 1960. Our sleeping quarters were on the second floor of the main office on post. Presently I live in Owensboro, Kentucky.
  • Dave (guest)
    I still remember those days, especially the egg sandwiches we got at Moms
  • Erik Lucia (guest)
    was there 88-91 w/377th. Deployed to Desert Storm from with 'em
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This article was last modified 7 years ago