Hungary /
Bekes /
Gyomaendrod /
/ Hungary
/ Bekes
/ Gyomaendrod
World / Hungary / Békés
tower, city
Gyomaendrőd (Romanian: Jomendrod) is a town in Békés county, in the Southern Great Plain region of south-east Hungary. It is located at around 46°55′60″N, 20°49′60″E. Honlap:
Wikipedia article:őd
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 46°55'49"N 20°48'35"E
- Mezőberény 17 km
- Szeghalom 28 km
- Orosháza 40 km
- Mezőkovácsháza 57 km
- Battonya 71 km
- Gyömrő 122 km
- Lőrinci 128 km
- Bicske 179 km
- Moldava nad Bodvou 190 km
- Trebišov 203 km
- The Kner Museum of the Printing Industry 1.7 km
- manufacture 2 km
- Medvegydűlő 11 km