Chornobyl Reactor 4 (contaminated)

Ukraine / Kyyivska / Prypyat /
 crash site, nuclear reactor

Chornobyl 4 reactor: the site of the worst nuclear power accident ever. This is the focal point of the 30 km Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (an area of permanent evacuation).
On Saturday April 26, 1986 at 1:23:58 a.m., during a system test, reactor 4 suffered an initial explosion and then a meltdown and fires that exposed the reactor core to the environment. This resulted in extensive contamination of surrounding area.
While the disaster caused less than 100 deaths within the first few months, the disaster has caused thousands of deaths among the 100,000 air pilots, soldiers and workers who came to the site in the first few months after the accident and many other lives ruined by radiation damage as well as 100,000 people disrupted by sudden and permanent evacuation.

The state of the reactor sarcophagus (AKA Object Shelter) is considered reliable for only 20 years. A new and much larger structure is planned for this site: New Safe Confinement (NSC, AKA New Shelter) .
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Coordinates:   51°23'22"N   30°5'56"E


  • The reactor sarcofagus was designed to last 20 years. It can fall down from one time to another. If it happend the water under the soil will be contaminated. Once again the government will not do nothing. The water reserves of Europe will be in danger if the sarcofagus fall down. Every winter the snow add extra weight to the structure. Some people say that you can hear the sounds of the metal under the structure when snow is too heavy.
  • There is a 600m plan to build a masive structor over the sarcofagus.
  • the u.n. needs to stop screwing around with stuff thaey cant fix(global warming) and start working on things they can(chernobyl containment structure lake karachay)
  • they finally started building the containment arch.
  • as much as id like for them to leave it as a memorial,its falling apart and needs to be rebuilt.
  • its going to be a massive arch taller than the statue of liberty and long enough to cover the whole plant. they are building several sections at a time and are going to slide each section over the plant and then seal them together. but i wonder what will happen when the reactor collaspes underneath the sealed arch. would the water table still become contaminated?
  • The sarcophagus sounds like a caged Monster....ready to barge out anytime!! Better to build a strong containment soon.
  • Место самой большой техногенной катастрофы на планете...
  • кто знает, а почему вокруг саркофага желтые леса смонтированы?? что уже начали реконструировать саркофаг???
  • That horrible monster is a timebomb!!!
  • BREAKING NEWS: Sarcophagus has partially collapsed, killing a man working on the arch. It hasn't released much radiation, but it's released a bit. Five more people died when they were building temporary supports inside the sarcophagus so it doesn't collapse more. During the support work, the body of the person who died in the explosion in 1986 was found, all rotten! The radiation released wasn't much, the radiation only reached half a mile away. Oh dear. Now they need to be extra quick! So it also seems Mibbs Man the Needlehead is wrong...
  • Man Made Hell :(
  • This is scary! They should start doing something serious about the problem and not clown around. But who is actually willing enough to start building a support arch in a place that is incredibly toxic and has already claimed the lives of so many. I wouldn't want my body to rot in there and turn green for any money in the world!
  • This is the only place where Paris Hilton would be correct and saying "That's hot"! I can't believe this place hasn't cooled down at all and now we have Fukushima. I've read in some places that this place wil still be a "hot spot" for many years to come, like around 100.
  • Someone should drop spookykids and Miss Hilton from a heli onto unit four and see exactly how hot it is
  • С ДНЁМ ПАМЯТИ ЛИКВИДАТОРЫ!Отзовитесь кто участвовал в ликвидации аварии на ЧАЭС с декабря 1987 по март 1988 в составе УС-605 и Комплексной экспедиции ИАЭ им Курчатова на участке энергоснабжения- Анатолий Огринский-я работал электриком-пишите на Одноклассники или на
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  • The story about 'dangerous and misguided test' in the description is bullshit. The disaster was doomed by a false reactor's design
  • This very well is the place of the Biblical "Star of Wormwood", a bitter experience indeed. Read Revelation 8:10, 11 people, it matches down to the name: Wormwood = Absinthe = Chernobyl; and the star was burning as a torch: nuclear reactors create the same process by which stars in space emit their light/power/gas etc., so this prophecy fits so right!
  • Better to dig t out and transport to a safer location or to put it into the deep oceans.
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