Al yamama compound (Al Riyadh) | compound - to be deleted

Saudi Arabia / Riad / Riyadh / Al Riyadh
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Coordinates:   24°41'36"N   46°49'23"E


  • can anybody tell me how much is it to rent in al-yamama compound, and if they allow the muslim dress code??? thanx in addvance
  • سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله لا إله إلا الله العظيم الحليم رب العرش الكريم اسأل الله لكل من يقرأ هذه الكلمات الهداية والثبات لاتنسونا من الدعاء
  • NOTE: This is Al Yamama 2 compound. No. 3 is to the east and not sure where Al Yamama 1 is but will mark it if I find out.
This article was last modified 11 years ago