
India / Tamil Nadu / Sattankulam /
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Somanathaperi is a sub-village of village Karankadu and part of Kadankulam Gram Panchayat in Nanguneri Block Nanguneri Tehsil/Taluka in Tirunelveli District of Tamilnadu. This is predominantly a Christian village. .This village has one St. Anthony's Church & one St. Jebamalai Matha Church.
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Coordinates:   8°29'4"N   77°48'38"E


  • Somanathaperi is one of the oldest parishes in South India. It is a mother to so many parishes around it. There are two caste-groups in this village - Nadar & Paravar. Though they are friendly with each other there is an underlying traditional rivalry, especially regarding Church-matters. Do you know a funny rule in this village? The Nadars cannot sing hymns in the Paravars' church and the Paravars cannot sing hymns in Nadars' church. What a great christian broad mindedness!!! Because of their narrow minded thinking and infighting in the name of caste and North and South Streets (within the Nadar community) this village has not developed at all economically. While all the earlier substations like Nedungulam, Thinaiyurani and Barbarammalpuram, which are independent parishas, have developed very much, Sonaperi still remains in darkness. Please pray for this village.
  • it's 50 ccepted ,Pls Don't compare with other villages.Here well educated People supported this type of activities in this village. Thanks...
This article was last modified 8 years ago