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Some information about Patasavangi Village.
As per census documents the spelling / name of this place is given as Patasavangi . However at few web sites and locally this village is also spelt as Patasawangi .Postal site it is as Patasaongi , Here Patasavangi is used.
Patasavangi is a small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Savner / Saoner, in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census of 2011 village Patasavangi of Tehsil / Taluka Savner / Saoner in the Nagpur district has 1586 households and Total Population of 7554 , Of this , male population is 3860 and female Population is 3694 . Postal pin code for Patasavangi Village is 441113 shared with 4 other villages under one Head Post Office
As per census documents the spelling / name of this place is given as Patasavangi . However at few web sites and locally this village is also spelt as Patasawangi .Postal site it is as Patasaongi , Here Patasavangi is used.
Patasavangi is a small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Savner / Saoner, in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census of 2011 village Patasavangi of Tehsil / Taluka Savner / Saoner in the Nagpur district has 1586 households and Total Population of 7554 , Of this , male population is 3860 and female Population is 3694 . Postal pin code for Patasavangi Village is 441113 shared with 4 other villages under one Head Post Office
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Coordinates: 21°19'54"N 79°1'7"E
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- Bajaj Colony W.C.L. 10 km
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