Place the fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite

Russia / Primorje / Novopokrovka /
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The fall of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite occurred on Feb. 12, 1947, the crash site found 14 February, 1947 meteorite destroyed in the atmosphere, the fragments scattered over an area exceeding 35 square kilometers, discovered several. tens of thousands of fragments weighing more than 31 tons, the original mass of the meteorite is estimated to be 60 - 100 t

Sikhote-Alin meteorite is in the top ten largest meteorites world, and a number of features makes this meteorite unique - for example, when the overall homogeneity of chemical composition, it does not represent a single crystal, a complex of many randomly oriented crystals, "not related" [Fesenko, 1978], and that probably led to the disintegration of many parts.

This is a classic example of meteorite falls. Were extremely favorable time and place of the fall, perfect weather, and even divide, kept a picture of destruction as much as possible. Place the fall of the meteorite was discovered the next day, but after two weeks of the first investigators were at the scene of incidence.

A large number of substances made it possible to virtually any testing without risk to spend too much. Therefore, a meteorite thoroughly investigated. On it is written, at least three monographs, and hundreds of scientific articles. Now everything is more or less the major museums of the world have samples of the Sikhote-Alin meteorite. In addition to the recorded 27 tons of collected materials, a lot of samples went to the country and from time to time vyplyvayut in unexpected places.

"... Residents of the area of taiga Krasnoarmeyskaya 12 February - have witnessed a very rare phenomenon. In the 10 hours of the morning sky was seen on a giant flaming meteorite, which swept with great speed towards the spurs of the Sikhote-Alin mountain range. The fall of the meteorite was accompanied by Gromov noise that led to shaking the air. which in the windows of many buildings were broken windows, destroyed the pipe, as in the severe storm swung bacon trees. In some places huge Dubi and cedar trees were torn from the roots. In the fall of a meteorite has left a thick smoke trail brownish-red in color, keep in the air long time. heard the explosion. Install seat falling meteorite has yet been able to ... " "Evening Moscow" February 17, 1947

February 14, the crash site were randomly observed from the air pilots POB Fartsikovym and AI Ageyeva performing routine flight from Ulungi to Khabarovsk. Upon arrival in Khabarovsk, they reported their observations in the Geological Survey, which immediately organized an expedition to the preliminary study of the crash site. The members of the expedition was composed of geologists, VA Yarmolyuk, GT Tatarinov and VV Onihimovsky. February 21, the expedition took off from Khabarovsk, and 24 February, after two days of heavy transition of the taiga forest geologists arrived to the crash site. An hour later reached the crash site of Vladivostok geologist FC Shipulina from two local hunters, who search for self, guided by the testimony of witnesses about the direction of flight bolide.

In place of the fall of the taiga has been devastated. Many trees were broken, their tops cut. Debris from tree trunks hung on the crowns of trees surviving. Snow has been sealed and the resulting solid now freely withstand rights. Among this chaos ziyali craters and the crater. The largest crater had a diameter of 26 meters and a depth of 6 m. The huge cedar trees felled with roots lying radially around the crater. Geologists have found about 30 crater and craters, and a plan of their location. In one of the craters of broken rocks they collected meteorite fragments.

In the area of impact has been a special expedition to the end of April reached the place of work. Expedition led by Academician VG Fesenko. To help military expedition Primorsky district had been allocated a unit of deminers. The expedition conducted a detailed survey of the crash site, interviewed witnesses, completed teodolitnuyu filming location and has collected several tons of individual copies and fragments of meteorite rain.
This expedition was the beginning of a long follow-up study of Sikhote-Alin fall, which continues to this day. / menu / description / sikhote.html
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Coordinates:   46°9'39"N   134°39'12"E
This article was last modified 16 years ago