Neamt Monastery (Mănăstirea Neamţ)

Romania / Suceava / Rasca / Mănăstirea Neamţ
 church, monastery, orthodox christianity

Founded in the 14th century, Neamt monastery witnessed many historical events of the nation. Jewel of 15th century architecture, the church was built by Stefan cel Mare and finished in the year when the Moldavian army won the battle against King Ioan Albert (1497).

Sumptuous, with delicate colour effects, the monastery shows the maturity of the Moldavian architectonic style, which matured during Stefan cel Mare's period. The façade of the church is covered with the decoration characteristic of Stefan cel Mare's time: Gothic windows and friezes with enamelled disks, coloured in greeen, yellow and brown.

The art treasures kept at Neamt Monastery are proof of the intense artistic and cultural activity which took place here through the centuries. Here Gavril Uric showed his talent, the most important representative of the Moldavian miniature from the 15th century. His first known manuscript, dated 1429, is kept in the Bodleian Library at Oxford (UK). The calligraphers and miniaturists of Stefan cel Mare who worked at this important center made many of the books given to Putna Monastery. In the cells of the monastery, the chronicler Macarie wrote the chronicle of Petru Rare's rule, and Eftimie the chronicle of Alexandru Lapusneanu's rule.

The learned tradition of the Neamt Monastery disappeared in the 17th and 18th centuries, to be reborn at the begining of next century, when Metropolitan Veniamin Costachi established a printing house here. In the monastery museum is the old printing press, which was used to print books since 1807. In the monastery is a famous library more than 600 years old. Among the almost 11,000 volumes are many rare books, some being the first ones printed in this country. The altar screen of the former church from Neamt Fortress, is the most important treasure of all those in the monastery, along with the icon painted by Nicolae Grigorescu "The Flight from Egypt".
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Coordinates:   47°15'48"N   26°12'32"E


  • Pe turnul cel mare se poate vedea un ochi in triunghi, semn satanic, triunghi echilateral, 60,60,60, masura celor fiecarui unghi este 60 de grade. Chiar daca nu este triunghi echilateral, tot este satanic si merita atentionat. Unde vedeti asemenea semne in biserici sa ii atentionati pe cei ce sunt acolo, si pe preoti(chiar daca nu este triunghi echilateral!!!)
This article was last modified 9 years ago