Vishrantwadi (Pune)

India / Maharashtra / Lohagaon / Pune
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Coordinates:   18°34'34"N   73°52'38"E


  • vishrantwadi one of the most developed area in pune were most of the students like to accomodate ther self as this is very close to the airport and entertainment is just 6km and work is 10km to 12km from the area and the local crowd has every think avalable with in a kmeter like daily products vegetables and eletronic items gym shoping hotels graden and also to pay the electricity bills is with in the area one doent have to travel to a difrent area. i belive its the b!!!!!!!!!!!!! well come to VISHRANTWADI
  • visharantwadi in kalas
  • this is place where scholars live or the brain of pune city
  • vishrantwadi is the of the most devoloping place .students can easily travel to school because schools are not far away the school are given better grand .even thier is a economically and by education,socially well developed
  • This is a place where a lot of Tata Communication employees are residing.
  • In case there are any plots in Dhanori, please pay attention immediately as heared that peoples are illegillay taking out original papers by giving just Rs 5000/- at Mamledaar Kacheri, bibwewadi...and illegally the land/plot is been captured by illigal peoples./ get you plots boundary wall & Demarkations done as soon as possible....Message by A common Dhanori Resident.
  • Dhanori Talati Office doesnt work on time for any 7/12 or fairFar doc...lots of excuses... document misplaced,....New offices had come in place...Officials are on election duty.......etc etc......and a drunken man is always been allowed by Police dept & Talati Officers in the Dhanori Talati officer ..which anyone can visit anytime and can check ..who works to take up bribe on behalf f talati officer etc.....and he is the most eligible person to get your work done in minutes..instead of running for months & months..... Your docvuments are no more safe at talati office as there are no privace or responsibility.........A person leaving in Slum aread is giving us information that we had submitted the application at talati can he come to know our application number, and other details.....How can these Talati be trusted...UNLESS there is no STRICT LAW against those Thalati Office employees, they are not scared to continue such illegal activity.......without getting in picture............ What our Vigilence dept are doing god knows...
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This article was last modified 15 years ago