Mountain Shadow Lake/Lake El Paso

USA / Texas / Butterfield /
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Man-made recreational lake.
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Coordinates:   31°42'5"N   106°1'52"W


  • Unfortunately one can no longer visit this area. There are signs as you get off Horizon Blvd. to keep out since one is trespassing private property.
  • Just because an old sign say 'private property' or 'no tresspassing' doesn't mean you can't do what you want. Quit letting signs tell you how to live, & think for yoursel. Even the sign that says 'armed guard on duty' is a 20 year old sign which means nothing anymore. There's nobody out there! It's a deserted relic, a ghost town, and even if a caretaker happens to travel out there to check on things, they'll just ask ya what's goin on, & chat with ya about the place... Get the hell out there, see the place, & have a swim, because it's all gonna be destroyed by a housing developer.
  • There is no water there - the lake dried up years ago! It was supposed to have been a nice area but when the development company was dissolved by the FTC, it was not properly maintained. Sad - but I don't think it will ever be redeveloped, at least not for generations!
  • how many of you would support the lake if it were to reopen? Maybe assist with clean-up and repairs?
  • is American Patriots going to make this a tourist spot again?
  • I would be interested in volunteering and assisting in any way I can to clean up and repair this place, and I am sure there are others that feel the same. I have read serious concerns, however that undermine the possibility of this place ever living up to its expectations, then and now. If you throw enough money at something sure, anything is possible, but can such an investment be justified, especially over time? Regardless, I am excited that this place still generates such an interest. I believe it is now or never for this place, we can find out once and for all if this idea is feasible and I would like to be a part of that.
  • If they can raise a million dollars, they say they will be restoring it so it can reopen.
  • I went there yesterday at night just to see if I can sneak in. But at the entrance there was a sing sayin "armed guards on duty 24hrs" so I just turned back and left. Does anyone know if there are actually armed guards in there? And why armed? The sign also says its closed to the public.
  • I actually went to it like 2 weeks ago, there is some parts were there is a little bit of water. I didn't get to explore much because i saw a car coming at us so I took off.
  • yes the lake is still there...not as full but still exist...and yes its private property so respect that. There is people on guard watching the place.....vandals tend to wanna destroy what's not theirs.....soon it will be opened......
  • would like to participate
  • support
  • There will be an Earth Day Event this Saturday 4/18/15 from 7am-2pm to help clean up and help in the restoration. Just look up American Patriots @ Shadow Mountain Lake on FaceBook! Thank you!!
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This article was last modified 16 years ago