"Bonnie Brae" (Centre Island, New York)

USA / New York / Centre Island / Centre Island, New York
 residence, LIGC - Long Island Gold Coast, historical layer / disappeared object

Originally part of the Smith Homestead "Upper Orchard". After almost 200 years of Smith family ownership this 7 acre site was sold by Emmeline Smith Fletcher to Archibald McLaren in 1935 and then to Monson Burr.

The Burr's sold the estate to Julian Kean Roosevelt (son of George Emlen Roosevelt who resided at Gracewood further to the North on Centre Island across from Seawanhaka). Another fire consumed this later house in March of 1957 at which point it was replaced by the current brick house.

Dooley Roosevelt made his first Olympic appearance in 1948 when, as a 23-year-old Harvard student, he was a crew member on the U.S. entry in the Dragon class that finished 11th of 12 starters. His fortunes improved considerably at the 1952 Olympics and Roosevelt won a gold medal as a member of Herman Whiton’s crew in the 6m class. At the 1956 Olympics, Roosevelt was a reserve crew member in the Sharpie class in addition to being a member of the international jury and chairman of the 5.5m race committee. Roosevelt, who was an investment banker, had been very active in sports administration and, for his contributions to sailing, he was given the Nathaniel G. Herreshoff Trophy in 1962. He was also appointed treasurer of the USOC in 1965 and in 1974 he was elected as a member of the International Olympic Committee.

Mr. Roosevelt and his wife Margaret resided at Bonnie Brae until his death in 1986.
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Coordinates:   40°53'48"N   73°31'13"W
This article was last modified 4 years ago