Eastern Part of Syvash (Rotten Sea)

Ukraine / Krym / Nyzhnohirskyy /
 bay, salt lake

Syvash or Sivash also known as the Putrid or Rotten Sea (Ukrainian: Сиваш, Гниле Море; Russian: Сиваш, Гнилое Море; Crimean Tatar: Sıvaş, Çürük Deñiz), is a large system of shallow bays on the west coast of the Sea of Azov (northeastern coast of the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine).

The total water area: 2 560 km².
Length: 200 km.
Width: up to 35 km.
The total water/land area of the Sivash system is over 10 000 km².
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   45°43'13"N   34°59'32"E
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