Kurli, Sikar

India / Rajasthan / Sikar /
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Kurli is medium size village in district city of Sikar. Kurli is small in size and most of the people earn their livelihood from farming. In recent years more and more people are going for salaried jobs and engaging in business activities and making a niche for them in these avenues. Kurli is a Gram Panchayat headquarter under Panchayat Samiti Piprali and has middle school, Primary school for Girls and a Primary health care center. People are hard working, helpful and easygoing.
Population of Kurli is around four thousand persons with ~500 houldholds. Jats of OLA gotra comprise over 80% of population but there are oter castes like Brahmin, Meena, Nai, Jogi, Harijans and dadis(muslims). Main profession is farming but many people are serving in army, police, teaching and recently few persons joined the elite profession like medical and engineering.
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Coordinates:   27°38'55"N   75°11'4"E


  • Kurli is about 5 KM from Sikar on Sikar-Jhunjhunu Road. Population of Kurli is approx 3500. Due to its proximity to Sikar city, Kurli has access to many of citi services and many people goto Sikar for Job, shopping and to sell farm produce.
  • The young leader from this small village well known as Phool singh Ola. Ex president of youth congress and now President of Kissan and Khet mazdoor congress. Hard worker for the Poor villagers and farmers.
  • this is my home town...and i love this so much.???
  • hi i am jitendra sain son of omprakash sain i live in my village in kurli i am a executive in telecom company & i love my village & villagers..
  • i like my village so much.
  • I humbly requested with all village politician, Pl come out from the personal interest & forget your egos and to develop the infrastructures in our village, As like road on all connected ways, Bus & Auto Stand in village, Gutters, Street light & roads etc.So our future generation can be connected with all modernize technology & systems. Hemaram J. Ola
  • I requested & let it passed now message to all of great politicians in my lovely village, Who is working in various political parties in Kurli (Sikar), If God give you fortune, occasion, ability in your life and make you capable to take chance, to do somethings for make idealize to our village than pl come out from your your self interest, arrogance's, forget if have you, your personal issues & Egotism's with villagers. To be developed constancy, made unity & association with our villagers, did promise in all of you, took incentive, showed your patriotism, used your strength, political relationship, power etc in the development of our village on all stages. So it call up an ADARSH GRAM (Ideal Village) on the map of Rajasthan (India) and you give up a splendid memorize to our coming Generation. So they will have remembered all of yours stage-managerial capability & proud on the strength of our Honorable villagers.
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This article was last modified 15 years ago