Mandha (Surera)
India /
Rajasthan /
Ramgarh /
/ India
/ Rajasthan
/ Ramgarh
temple, house, mountain, school, bank, village, islam, hinduism, pond

Mandha Surera is a Village in Danta Ramgarh Tehsil in Sikar District of Rajasthan State, India. It belongs to Jaipur Division . It is located 50 KM towards South from District head quarters Sikar. 90 KM from State capital Jaipur... The village is known as the village of journalist OP MANDHA
Mandha Surera Pin code is 332742 and postal head office is Mandha Surera.
Mandha Surera is surrounded by Dhod Tehsil towards North , Kuchaman Tehsil towards west , Nawa Tehsil towards South , Sikar Tehsil towards North.
Dantaramgarh, Losal, Nawa, Renwal, Jobner, Sambhar, Sikar, Reengus, Khatushyamji are the nearby Cities to Mandha Surera.
Demographics of Mandha Surera
Hindi and Rajasthani are the Local Language here.
HOW TO REACH Mandha Surera
By Bus
State Capital Jaipur is 90 KM from here and Sikar is 50 KM from here... It can be easily reached by bus...
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Mandha Surera in less than 10 km. How ever Jaipur Rail Way Station is major railway station 90 KM near to Mandha Surera. and renwal and nawa city railway station is 30 Km from here...
Mandha Surera Pin code is 332742 and postal head office is Mandha Surera.
Mandha Surera is surrounded by Dhod Tehsil towards North , Kuchaman Tehsil towards west , Nawa Tehsil towards South , Sikar Tehsil towards North.
Dantaramgarh, Losal, Nawa, Renwal, Jobner, Sambhar, Sikar, Reengus, Khatushyamji are the nearby Cities to Mandha Surera.
Demographics of Mandha Surera
Hindi and Rajasthani are the Local Language here.
HOW TO REACH Mandha Surera
By Bus
State Capital Jaipur is 90 KM from here and Sikar is 50 KM from here... It can be easily reached by bus...
By Rail
There is no railway station near to Mandha Surera in less than 10 km. How ever Jaipur Rail Way Station is major railway station 90 KM near to Mandha Surera. and renwal and nawa city railway station is 30 Km from here...
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 27°12'10"N 75°8'49"E
- Ramgarh 7.2 km
- Govendi marwar 7.3 km
- Danta (Main Village) 12 km
- Narottam Ajaay Jajodia's native place 28 km
- Badalwas 32 km
- Losal 33 km
- Beri Chhoti 44 km
- Bhadwasi 53 km
- rodu ladnun nagour 74 km
- Rai Ram Baba Ki Dungri Surera 1.8 km
- rad ki dhani banshi lal rad 3.8 km
- Raghunathpura village 5.5 km
- Katiya 10 km
- Barliya village 12 km
- KANCHANPURA ( Deoli) 14 km
- pareek farm house 15 km
- prabhu dayal khaddha farm mobile no 9461194118 17 km