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Data Kakus or Apau Data

Malaysia / Sarawak / Bintulu /

This is the area inhabited by Kenyah Badeng tribe since early 1982 (also known as Buruk at that time), there are about 5 villages exist here now, as a matter of facts the one and only Data Kakus village has been splitted into five (5) small villages. Now DK villages have their village facelift from 2007 onwards. Kenya (Can you) believe it!. Here we come Data Kakus!.
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Coordinates:   2°39'29"N   113°36'28"E


  • by pity boy (guest)
    i believe most the kenyah from data kakus will transfer to town according the lead resident baling along.Then few year from now, data kakus become like as town.Now most people in data kakus sold their land to kts pusaka because their believe what the baling said.But, untill now i seen data kakus still like before.nothing changing.I want cry to think what happen about my village in the my village.Many persons already sold their land but does not anything development in my village.
  • Mr. Siong Tet (guest)
    Data kakus is nice place to live in. Kampung Data Kakus is so secluded in the dense rainforest and it is probably one of the secluded places in Malaysia that it is out of reach from the outside world. It is still very much in touch with the tradition and the folks are not very reliant on technology like most people are nowadays. Kampung Data Kakus is a village rarely visited by Malaysians, let alone the foreigners. | The route to Kpg. Data Kakus | Kampong Data Kakus located almost at the center of the land of the state of Sarawak. It lays on a mountainous terrain surrounded by the wilds. It is reachable by road from Bintulu town within 4 hours and within 2 hours from Belaga bazaar. The road condition is rather rough and only those 4WD vehicles would be able to make it through. | The folks | The village is inhabited by the ethnic Kenyah Badeng, one of the indigenous ethnic community living in the state of Sarawak. To date, the population of this humble and outback village has reached about 2,000 people (unofficial statistics). The ethnic Kenyah Badeng belongs to the parent ethnic group Kenyah in Sarawak. Among other sub-group are Kenyah Bakung, Kenyah Baram, Kenyah Lepo’ Tau, Kenyah Long Bulan, Kenyah Lepo’ Kulit, Kenyah Long Beta-o and there are few more which I could not recall at this point of time. These different Kenyahs are believed to be scattered all over the state, mostly at the central and northern part of Sarawak. Although they speak different dialect, however they are still able to understand and converse in the other Kenyah’s dialect easily. | The culture, tradition and lifestyle | The kenyah Badeng live a very basic lifestyle. They take rice for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. They live in wooden long houses (except few families prefer having stand-alone houses) and almost all the houses has veranda. On to their religion, you must be astonished by their strong Christian faith and that they are devoted Christian. Advertorial: Visitors and tourist are warmly welcomed to visit the village and experience for themselves the pleasure of living in the midst of the tribe Kenyah Badeng, the nature and the wilds.
  • Mr. Siong Tet (guest)
    This website was developed to virtually bring the indigenous Kenyah Badeng of Data Kakus community closer to the outside world. For many years, the Kenyah Badeng tribe has been living in the most secluded place on earth, in the dense rainforest in Borneo island. The world totally wasn't has any idea about the existence of this indigenous people of Borneo. However, with the power of information technology and the international network (internet) engine, amazingly this is not the case anymore! Being a Kenyah Badeng myself, I am so grateful that I managed to publish this website intended for the showcasing of the beauty of Kenyah Badeng’s friendliness culture, unique tradition and their everyday simple life routines. The Kenyah Badeng tribe is so unique, that despite their primitive and outback way of life, yet they are so education-passionate people. The fact being economically poor never stop them from sending their children to school and they were able to see that education is a must-have basic thing in their life. Today, many of their children managed to secure a place in higher educational institutes, colleges and universities. Those who have graduated are now enjoying a reliable career in both government or private sectors in the country. There are quite a number of Kenyah Badeng now can afford to live in major town (despite the high living cost), they even bought their own houses and driving their own cars. The Kenyah Badeng today have kept abreast with the latest technology fads and are now closing in to the technology race gap.
  • Badeng Mukun (guest)
    Thanks for writing about the Kenyah Badeng.But I would like to make some corrections pertaining to what Mr.Siong Tet had written. 1. The folks are not very reliant on technology like most people nowadays. To me this is belittling the folks as they are now using sorts of simple technology in dealing with their daily activities.Think of it. 2. The world totally has no idea about the existence of this indigenious people of Borneo. This is not true because certains tracks about the Kenyah Badengs had been written in some books like ' The Pagan Tribes Of Borneo' by Charles Hose and W.illliam McDougall and 'The Natural Man Of Borneo' both by William McDougall.Just to name some. In his books, McDougall referred the Kenyah as Keniahs and Badengs as Madangs.So, advisably, it's wise to read some books on history of the Kenyah Badengs before publishing them like this. 3. Kenyah Long Beta-o which you referred to, is a split-away group of Kenyah Badeng who resides in Long Beta'o,Indonesia.Not a different Kenyah. Mr.Siong, I humbly want to correct these facts because I do not want the young generations of our beloved Badeng ethnic to be mislead by what had been written by us.I have read more than a dozen books on the Badeng and am still looking for informations or rather history of our forefathers. My suggestion is, anyone who wants to write about the Badeng nowadays, especially about our culture,our historical background, let it be with proper references and through thorough research.Because, we do not want to confuse our youngsters.And I recommend the books above for further reading. Thank you.
  • Laki Panyen (guest)
    Pity Boy, Being your fellow Badeng of Data Kakus, I feel very sad over what happen to our poor old parents at home. Some had sold their land for a few thousand ringgit and some unlucky ones sold theirs only for a few hundreds. Why? Because, they are going to move down to town as what had claimed.What had gone wrong? It's relatively pity to see our old folks at home being mislead by someone who claimed themselves to be educated and the champions of the village and later proclaimed themselves to be leaders. It is because of this irresponsible self-claimed leaders, all sorts of this phenomenas happened in our hard-earned land of Lembah Kakus. Groups are formed.Blindfolded followers would form their own strength under their self-claimed leaders. And anything would follow suit. I am very grateful to you Pity Boy, that you do realised what had gone wrong. Someday, in the near future, you young generations would know what to do to preserve the unity that we enjoyed in the early years of our settlement there in Kakus. GOD BLESS THE FOLLOWERS OF UNITY.
  • bora le data kakus odai (guest)
    aka ne,makin maju te sik lepo' data kakus. ntaun gona pe oka kelonan de' mudip dalem lepo' ilu di peselikut ladung. ilu dalem ca amin, pisu, ke' entak ek o' keji... gerak du ilu lepo. data kakus ne sik nelengak arak odai dau du lepo' de' ca. lada do re kilu le ading de dau du. maan ne sik udip ke' data kakus. nengayet ne ikem de' manai,de' un teke' penisen me ilu. lesau ne lepo' ilu data kakus.jaat teka' mata ek taan de'manai nelengak bukun arak dalau janan. nengayet ne oyan keti lepo' ngadan tuhan.
  • kelonan mabi (guest)
    ka ie ake' kelo t tiga tawai palak pengelesau o' ja. balo' tega teka' mudip ke data kakus ne ading de. naki, cuk ale' lepa paliu,cen o o tepat apak ale' kelo'ke maju ngan du.[tamak] do aluk kidi.kumin pe sik dalem ca lepo'ke un lema re ketua kampung. kumin kumin teke' tepat keja. ke' engkey le taan lema re yang di pertuan agong ke' malaysia @ lema re perdana menteri. oko' baan do de' latak koma,sokat ca kelonan un dua re ulu? ake'ngening pe meka dau ke data kakus naki odai, ketua mading da pe dau nesep beer dalau re meeting. mungkin joko' pe dau de' manai nta putuk de' latak naki odai, oko' baan du' jane nelengak bukun dalau janan. un pe teke' ngening mencam joget ne do lepo' ilu ke' osey naki odai. ame' pat de' latak di ne do ti lan joget badu. kumin kumin ne sik tepat ke pekatuk anak anak tepat bayak oo. oka tepat de' latak jaat do denga tepo lepo'.beng de' ki,todep ne sebayang me lepo' ilu, ketey tepat kaam neji, tuhan tua' tebelum le.. tuhan tetap ngening do temame' le. tuhan sentiasa ngan orang benar.
  • lakikasip
  • jamiedian
    arap tepat da ca' dumit udip sokat paliu se' layan ji ca liwai la-a, nengayet oyan tiga ngan pedengkep udip le baya' ja' tiga se layan udip. ayen petai ngoro udip em, cak pem tisen ikem lebih mencam teka' cin du da ca. mung le kua' lote oban ilu mung nai cin Tuhan, berkat ja ilu pakai tiga-tiga apan tiga dau denga cin lepo le. Nyat lesau boka nta teneng dau kenai e kawang. Ilu mung sebayang nyat Tuhan na pengencam, pengeleba' kimet, ngan sokat kerja lebih pali me mung da kelo' se ke ngeka-ang ilu ke lepo apan re tai kua' kimet ngan sokat ngkin ilu mudip bayak janan ja tiga ngan nta kelo' alak advantage cin kelonan da ca. Lesau le ilu lepo le.
  • Ma an Ma an (guest)
    Jadi ne ca generasi ja educated dan propessional baik dari segi mental atau fizikal .Ake' sokong ale'dau senganak Jamiedian.Lan ale'je bana ja .Boka lan oban le ca kelonan ja un mencam ko,Tolong bada' me toa mukun/lepo'le kumin se'le ke mudip nta beng ke nyadu pesala'kelonan lata'le ke oma'te.Boka ke meki dau tira'tepat de un sekolah di de'berarti tepat lebih kuno cen o-o de mukun ke oma'te.Nta ne un dau ca de du ke arap ne ke isu le.Ayo generasi mading buktikan pala'usun tana'bahawa iko'ke oyan ca persekutuan ngan ca kemajuan ja kekal ke lepo'o'.bukan ca generasi ja primif tapi ca generasi ja maju dalem pemikiran.
  • jamiedian
    un eek sokat nak kodak kadok lobang amin ke DK make? ngan kumin se layan amin ke lepo te naaki (pelan mung ketok amin ke DK). Boka sokat draw e ke komputer jane jak tiga ale.
  • ake jek mutu (guest)
    hai lepo ilu....ake keluk mutu sama ada lepuk ilu un buat kumpulan untuk kebajikan bagi menampung perbelanjaan melanjutkan pelajaran me generasi lepuk ilu..oban ake rasa terbeban naat ca toyang ek je nta mampu ke melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat lebih tinggi...sayang result stpm power o 4 principle tapi ake nta tesen kumin ke tolong ya oban family e pun nta mampu...ji cuma as a cadangan dengan menubuhkan ca persatuan kebajikan me lepuk ilu bagi yang kurang berkemampuan tuak le,,,terutamanya bagi generasi yang bakal metik lepuk ilu tau bayak te...dengan memberi sumbangan yang mampu dan tak dipaksa ikut kerelaan tuak le....dengan adanya pertubuhan ji,,ilu okat support generasi yang menganggur bukan kerana tidak mendapat peluang pekerjaan tetapi disebabkan oleh kekurangan perbelanjaan tuak le...sanggup kah ilu melihat sekiranya anak le tenggen nta okat melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat yang lebih tinggi walaupun mempunyai kelulusan yang cemerlang dalam SPM ATAU PUN STPM gara-gara nta un duit untuk belanja tai sambung sekolah??? why not ilu try??? ake cuma nak cadangan ngan ake nta pasti sama ada lepuk ilu lepa laksanakan perancangan ji atau belum,,,
  • ake jek mutu (guest)
    there is nothing if we not begin,,,thing for others also...
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This article was last modified 12 years ago