Fortress of Koukouvitsa near Kalitsa (Amaliada)

Greece / Ilia / Khavarion /
 ruined castle, invisible

Castle of Koukouvitsa (Κάστρο Κουκουβίτσας) - the name of the fortress is the bulgarian word for the bird cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) same as many others bulgarnan toponym of fortresses, settlements and places wide sped on the Balkans. Built without brics, but form well formed big stone blocks as bulgarian medieval fortresses on the top of two contiguous low hills, the "Koukouvitsa Castle", otherwise known as "Peak Castle" is located about 2.5 km north of the Koukouvitsa community`(in 1955 in the cold war years he bulgarian slavic name is change to the gr, Koryfi) . These are place names that do not testify but hide the ancient past of the fort and the city for the protection of which it was erected. According to archaeological evidence and historical data, the fortress used exclusively for military purposes in the medieval times. First fortifications here are very ancient and dates back to the end of the Peloponnesian war around the beginning of the 4th century. B.C.
Distance to the closer town is 10 km to Amaliada - named to the Amalia of Oldenburg in 1865 village Kalitsa (from wide sped on the Balkans bulgarian toponym "kalitsa, kalshta" - muddy), Distance to Ancient Olimpia (Αρχαία Ολυμπία) is 28 km south.
pgs: 140, 143, 267,21.4486949,1730m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0x74f632abece7c80!2zzprOrM-Dz4TPgc6_IM6azr_Pgc-Fz4bOrs-CIC0gzprOv8-FzrrOv8-FzrLOr8-Ez4POsSAozrHPgc-HzrHOr86_IM6_z4fPhc-Bz4wp!8m2!3d37.7797181!4d21.4484594!3m4!1s0x0:0x74f632abece7c80!8m2!3d37.7797181!4d21.4484594
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Coordinates:   37°46'46"N   21°26'48"E
This article was last modified 5 years ago