Latakia Governorate (PCS) | first-level administrative division, governorate (administrative division)

Syria / al-Ladiqiyah / al-Hhaffah /
 first-level administrative division, draw only border, governorate (administrative division)

(NOTE: Only parts controlled by the Syrian government in Damascus are shown on the map!)

Arabic: مُحافظة اللاذقية
Seat: Latakia
Area: 2,297-2,437 km²
Population: 1,890,000 (2014 estimate)
ISO 3166-code: SY-LA

Latakia Governorate is one of the fourteen governorates of Syria. The governorate is divided into 4 districts and 22 subdistricts.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   35°34'51"N   35°58'39"E
This article was last modified 3 years ago