
India / Andhra Pradesh / Gudivada /
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Guraza (village code-31) belongs to Mudinepalli Mandal (Mdl code-46) of Krishna District, AP.
This village is located between Mudinepalli and Gudlavalleru. It is closer to Mudinepalli. It is the one time seat of Guraza Zamindar whose ancestors moved here because this village doesn't have mud during monsoon. They were prominent until the Republic of India abolished Zamindari system in India. Guraza is a typical Andhra village. People of all castes, and faiths live here.

Guraza has a Shiva temple, and it is called Koti Lingeswara Swamy temple. It has a Venu Gopala Swamy temple. It has several Ramalayams. There is a Matham (monastery) at the edge of the village. At this Matham about 70 to 100 years ago, a Sadhu (monk) used to live. He used to beg around the village, and distribute the collections to other Sadhus in the village, and the destitutes. The Sadhu is burried at the Matham, and his Samadhi (burial site) is still present.
Currently, Ammani, a native of Guraza is building an Aashram (a retreat / a meditation center) at the edge of the village just opposite the Matham. She also plans to build a school. She is inspired by the teachings of Swami Sri Aurabindo of Pondichery.

Prominent people from the village of Guraza are the Gandhian, Sri Kamaraju Sobhanachalam garu; landlords, Sri Uppalapati Naganna garu, and Uppalapati Brhahmaiah garu; and Vijaya Nirmala the wife of the Telugu movie star Krishna.

Guraza has a Govt. Hospital, a Govt. Maternity hospital, and mansions. One prominent mansion still in good shape is that of Sri Uppalapati Naganna garu.

Recently, Heritage Foods Corporation built a large milk collection center in Guraza. Guraza has aqua culture farms, notably Shrimp farms, and Rice mills.
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Coordinates:   16°24'15"N   81°6'20"E


  • my village- vamsi krishna
  • I love my guraja village very much- Uppalapati Ramakrishna..
  • Great to see my grandfathers name mentioned.
  • Hello
  • We are the grandsons of Late Uppalapati Venkateswara Rao (Nallabhai Garu) aged 6 & 4 years. We are happy to say that we belong to Guraza and luv to stay there.
  • any body now the address of guraja preliminary school
  • my favertd villege .bueatiful temple.
  • i also love this village. i completed from 5th to 10th in zph school is very nice experience
  • My surname is GURAZA. My grand to grand parents had migrated during one of the worst famine, from Guraza (Krishna District) to Pithapuram (East Godavari District) and started working at Pithapuram's Maharaja Palace. Guraza Naraiah, Guraza Ramaih were my fore fathers. Guraza Padalu was my grand father whom I know staying at Pithapuram. If anyone is familiar with these names, appreciate to get connected at
  • I love my village Guraza. I am grandson of Uppalapati Prasada Rao and Chaparala VenkataRatnam (Hindi Teacher) both from Guraza. I was one of the few lucky ones not to share my vacation between my paternal and maternal grand parents places :-). All my vacation used to be in this lovely place during my childhood (
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This article was last modified 12 years ago