India /
Mizoram /
Lunglei /
Lunglei Phairuang Road
/ India
/ Mizoram
/ Lunglei
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Pachang is a village in the Lunglei sub district/tehsil/taluk, Lunglei district, in the state of Mizoram.
The population in Pachang village is 51 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 15 House Holds in Pachang.
There are 30 males (59%); There are 21 females (41%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 50 (98% ).
The population in Pachang village is 51 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 15 House Holds in Pachang.
There are 30 males (59%); There are 21 females (41%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 50 (98% ).
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 22°50'51"N 92°40'41"E
- Sethlun Area 9 km
- Borapansury 22 km
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- Tlabung 23 km
- Nunsuri 24 km
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- Chhipphir 38 km
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- Venglai 8.4 km
- Ramthar 8.5 km
- Electric Veng 8.7 km
- Theiriat 10 km
- Zotlang 11 km
- Zohnuai 11 km
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