Archaeological Museum of Cagli (Cagli)

Italy / Marken / Cagli / Piazza Giacomo Matteotti
 museum, archaeology museum
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The Archaeological Museum and the Via Flaminia Cagli finds place in the premises on the ground floor of the Town Hall , specially arranged for this purpose .
Materials present in the collection were included in the collections of indeterminable time from an old Civic Museum. It was not possible to retrieve certain data on specific procedures for retrieval of pieces, which seem mostly locally sourced . Most of the materials are known in the past , are now gone missing . Walled on the walls of the atrium of the Town Hall are some inscriptions and architectural fragments from the Roman era .
The oldest evidence present in the museum are two bronzes (the top of a jug type Schnabelkanne and two fragments of the basin rim to pearl) most likely to be referred to a single funeral , perhaps the fifth century. B.C.
The Roman materials cover a wide chronological span : amphorae are exposed to second century. AD, a female head , a mosaic, a marble capital that ascends to the beginning of the fourth century BC
The materials Renaissance are dating mostly to the sixteenth century : fragments of glazed mugs , plates , pottery of various kinds, which could be imported or produced locally .
Among the oldest pieces in a bowl fragment of ' graffito archaic Po ' datable in the first half of the fifteenth century.
In one section of the museum was an exhibition on the use of brick in Roman times who wants to lead the visitor to discover, through modest objects themselves , some significant aspects of life and the reality of the ancient Cale from Roman times, and more in general the ancient world.
The bricks come in almost all the territory Cagli and attest to the widespread and varied use of this type of material that may have been produced in local kilns similar to those discovered a few years ago near Canavaccio , but thanks to the Flaminia , could easily also come from farther away.
The museum is open from October to June Sunday 10,00-12,00 / 15,00-18,00 , July, Saturday and Sunday 10,00-12,00 / 16,00-19,00 , August, and September 10 0.00 to 12 , 00/16 ,00-19 ( aggiornam. to 05/11/2011 )
For information tel. 0721-791231 , Fax 0721-787792 .
The place is located in Palazzo Pubblico
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Coordinates:   43°32'47"N   12°38'52"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago