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India / Maharashtra / Shirgaon /
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this is the old and famous murba village
everyone must visit this village during
narli purnima
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   19°44'24"N   72°42'27"E


  • Rahim Khoja (guest)
    It is well known of unity of people and their festival. It is traditionally and culturally improving. Temples of Shiva, Rama, Hanuman, Malakshmi and Sai are famous around area.
  • mahesh_chalke
    This is my Frind parijat's village. It is so nice place.I like here the Fresh fishes , Fresh air , and nice people...
  • Tridev (guest)
    Murbe village is located in Palghar Talula of Thane District of Maharashtra State, India. Clean and neat sea beach located at west side of the village. Boisar (Western railway) is the nearest railway station. Around 80% pupulation is from Fishermen. Murbe village is famous for fresh fish supply. Most suppliers of fish to and around to Mumbai are is from Murbe/Satpati village. Most of festivals celebrated in the village with ethusiasumly. Some of them are Mahashivaratri, Holi, Narli Poournima (Cocunut festival), Gopalkala, Shree Ganesh Festival etc. Holi festival is celebrated around the village for 15 nights is only in Murbe village not anywhere in the world. Food of the villagers is Rice and fish. Most delicious dishes are Zinga Biryani, Eessal Khima, Shigala Khima, Wadya shak etc. Murbe village is rounded by temples of Lord Shiva, Rama & Sai, Hanuman, Devi Mahalaxmi, Devi Bhawani. The peoples of villagers newly started reti bunder. Visiters can visit this place during any festival.
  • NILESH TARE (guest)
  • kapilvaity (guest)
    i love my villege
  • Yogesh Tare (guest)
    Murbe is Naturaly beautiful village in palghar taluka, it also have Sea Beach as Gods Gift for us. Here most of People doing Fish suppling business,some of them fishes like Poplet, Kolbi, Ghole , Dada, Shivand, Vadya & Upplya are most famous & Tasty known in all districs of maharashtra. The Most Important Festivals of our village is Shivratri, Holi, Ramnavami, Hanuman jayanti, Mahalaxmi.The populer & famous place for as a touriest is JETI (Means path way bridge in Sea).So I have very much proud of my sweet & Beautiful Village.
  • ninadchuri (guest)
    mylove my villege
  • PRAVIN B. DEO (guest)
  • sachin mer (guest)
    my village is very beautiful but village political very bad,
  • Nirbhay MEr (guest)
    Murbe village is located in Palghar Talula of Thane District of Maharashtra State, India. Clean and neat sea beach located at west side of the village. Boisar (Western railway) is the nearest railway station. Around 60% pupulation is from Fishermen. Murbe village is famous for fresh fish supply. Most suppliers of fish to and around to Mumbai are is from Murbe/Satpati village. Most of festivals celebrated in the village with ethusiasumly. Some of them are Mahashivaratri, Holi, Narli Poournima (Cocunut festival), Gopalkala, Shree Ganesh Festival etc. Holi festival is celebrated around the village for 15 nights is only in Murbe village not anywhere in the world. Food of the villagers is Rice and fish. Most delicious dishes are Zinga Biryani, Eessal Khima, Shigala Khima, Wadya shak etc. Murbe village is rounded by temples of Lord Shiva, Rama & Sai, Hanuman, Devi Mahalaxmi, Devi Bhawani. The peoples of villagers newly started reti bunder. Visiters can visit this place during any festival.
  • Nirbhay Mer (guest)
    Murbe village is located in Palghar Talula of Thane District of Maharashtra State, India. Clean and neat sea beach located at west side of the village. Boisar (Western railway) is the nearest railway station. Around 60% pupulation is from Fishermen. Murbe village is famous for fresh fish supply. Most suppliers of fish to and around to Mumbai are is from Murbe/Satpati village. Most of festivals celebrated in the village with ethusiasumly. Some of them are Mahashivaratri, Holi, Narli Poournima (Cocunut festival), Gopalkala, Shree Ganesh Festival etc. Holi festival is celebrated around the village for 15 nights is only in Murbe village not anywhere in the world. Food of the villagers is Rice and fish. Most delicious dishes are Zinga Biryani, Eessal Khima, Shigala Khima, Wadya shak etc. Murbe village is rounded by temples of Lord Shiva, Rama & Sai, Hanuman, Devi Mahalaxmi, Devi Bhawani. The peoples of villagers newly started reti bunder. Visiters can visit this place during any festival.
  • sachin mer (guest)
    murbe village is sale the political party. fisherman very critical side, very bad public not action the side. ver bad condition murbe village.
  • Santosh Tare (guest)
    very good village
  • Sanjay Deo (guest)
    The village road i.e. via Kumbhavali is made in end of May’2012 by contractor Prakash Budhaji Patil. This road was damaged within only 2 months. Noboday is Seeing this matter seriously. It is very shameful that nobody taken action against this contractor. Just blaming to political party and political leaders. Before this Mr.Gupta (Palghar) made this road and it was runned about 9 years and this road finished in only 2 months. All public are tired due to this road.
  • Smita Dharmamer
    Smita Dharmamer. Murbe is my native place. Murbe is the village of fishermens village. Neareabout 90% peoples are from Fishermen. It is located in Thane district & nearby Palghar Taluka & Satpati Village. There live Peoples from Different Casts & religions. But they live with Happyly & with lovingly. Most of the Festivals are celebrated in this village. Coconut festival is one of the most festival of them. Ohterthan Mahashivratri, Ramnavmi, Hanumanjayanti etc. are also celebrated in this village. Peoples from nearby the villages & Cities comes for the festival. Peoples in that village are very loving. I love my village as well as my country. Everyone should visit during Coconut Festival to there.
  • Jaybharat Raut (guest)
    Murbe is place. Murbe is the village of fishermens & Farmers village. It is located in Palghar district & nearby Palghar Taluka & Satpati Village. There live Peoples from Different Casts & religions. But they live with Happyly & with lovingly. Most of the Festivals are celebrated in this village. Coconut festival is one of the most festival of them. Ohterthan Mahashivratri, Ramnavmi, Hanumanjayanti, Mahalaxmi & bhawani etc. are also celebrated in this village. Peoples from nearby the villages & Cities comes for the festival. Peoples in that village are very loving. I love my village as well as my country. Everyone should visit during Coconut Festival to there.
  • Rutika tare (guest)
    मित्र हो नमस्कार . सध्या मुरबे गावातील प्रत्येकाच्या मोबाइल वर एक मेसेज खुपच गाजतोय तो मेसेज म्हणजे मुरबे गावाच्या विकासासाठी चला एकत्र होऊन सरकारला जाब विचारूया. ज्यांनी मेसेज लिहीलाय त्याला मानाचा मुजरा आणि मेसेज फोरवर्ड करणाऱ्या प्रत्येकाचे मनापासून आभार. पण मित्र हो मी ह्या मेसेज च्या अगदी थोडसं वेगळं बोलणार आहे. सरकारला म्हणजे नेमकं कुणाला जाब विचारणार? मला, तुला का इतरांना ? शेवटी सरकार बनतं ते मी आणि तुम्ही पासुन ना. तेव्हा जाब विचारणा करायची असेल त्यांना करा ज्यांना मी आणि तुम्ही मिळून मुरबे गावाच्या विकासासाठी निवडून दिले आहे. विचारणार त्यांना जाब ? नाही? का ? का तर निवडणूकीच्या अगोदर मी त्यांच्या कडून दारु प्यायलेलो आहे आणि त्यांनी आमच्या भागातील थोडासा रस्ता बनवून दिला आहे. मित्रांनो मुरबे महालक्ष्मी स्टॉप ते कुंभवली गावापर्यंत रस्ता हा पालघर जिल्हा परिषदेच्या अंतर्गत येतो. तेव्हा जाब विचारायचा असेल तर मुरबे गावातील पालघर जिल्हा परिषदेचे उपाध्यक्ष श्री सचिन पाटील साहेब ह्यांना विचारा.कारण निवडणूकीच्या अगोदर त्यांनी आश्वासन दिले होते की मी निवडून आलो तर सदरचा रस्ता एक वर्षाच्या आत करून देईल. निवडून आले. पालघर जि.प.चे उपाध्यक्ष ही झाले मात्र रस्ता कागदावर च राहीला.तो कागद पण फाटला असेल. तेव्हा मुरबे ते कुंभवली हा प्रवास घोड्यावर बसून करावा लागेल असं वाटतंय. मुरबे गावातून अवैद्य रित्या रेती उपसा करून ती इतरत्र विकली जाते.ह्याची विचारणा करायची झाली तर मुरबे गावातील पालघर पंचायत समितीचे सदस्य श्री.जितेंद्र मेर ह्यांच्या कडे करा.कारण ह्या महाशयांची स्वतः ची रेती उत्पादन संस्था असून रेती वाहतुकीसाठी स्वतः चा ट्रक देखील आहे. मुरबे गावात रेती उत्पादन संस्था स्थापन झाल्यापासून ते आजपर्यंत कोट्यावधी रूपयाचा महसूल शासनाकडे जमा झाला आहे.त्या महसूलाचा कुठे वापर करण्यात आला त्याचा अॉडीट रिपोर्ट मागा. मुरबे - सातपाटी दूषित खाडी प्रश्नाबाबत मुरबे गावातील बोईसर - तारापूर स्थित पर्यावरण प्रदूषण समितीचे सदस्य सौ.मुक्ता देव,श्री.प्रमोद आरेकर आणि नाव माहिती नसून आडनाव मात्र पाटील आहे ह्यांना जाब विचारा.पाटील सोडून दोन व्यक्ती मच्छीमार समाजाच्या असून त्यांनी कधीही मच्छीमारांच्या समस्या कुठल्याही समितीकडे सादर केल्या नाहीत. आणि मित्र हो बोईसर - तारापूर औद्योगिक परिक्षेत्रातून शेकडो कारखान्यामधून जे रासायनिक सांडपाणी मुरबे - सातपाटी खाडीत सोडले जाते त्या मागे या तीनही महामानवाचा हात असल्याचे दिसून येते. शेवटी पैसा सर्वश्रेष्ठ,माणूस नाही. बरोबर ना. मुरबे गावातील वीज,पाणी, रस्ते,शालेय शिक्षण आणि इतर समस्या बाबत जाब विचारायचा असेल तर मुरबे ग्रामपंचायतीचे सरपंच सौ.प्रज्ञा तरे ह्या मँडमना विचारा. त्याचं कारण ही तसंच आहे. मँडम म्हणाल्या होत्या की मी निवडून आले तर ( मी निवडून आले तर )गावात चोवीस तास पाणी, चोवीस वीज, चांगले रस्ते, देईल शिवाय शालेय शिक्षण आणि इतर समस्या सोडवेन. मँडम निवडून आल्या, सरपंच ही झाल्या .पण कुठलीही समस्या सोडवली नाही. मग डिसेंबर महिन्यात प र त मुरबे ग्रामपंचायत निवडणूक. ते व्हा प र त आ श्वासन. तेव्हा मित्रांनो मेसेज लिहायचा असेल तर प्रत्यक्ष पणे सदर घटनेस कारणीभूत असलेल्या व्यक्तींचे नाव घेऊन लिहा. नाही तर लिहू ही नका. कारण अशी हिंमत तुमच्यात नाही.कारण तुम्ही त्यांच्या कडून दारु प्यायलात.बरोबर ना. तेव्हा मित्रांनो हा मेसेज एवढा फोरवर्ड करा की, मुरबे गावातील प्रत्येकाच्या मोबाईल वर झलकळा पाहिजे आणि जर का तुमचा एखादा मित्र मिडीयावाला असेल तर त्याला ही फोरवर्ड करा जेणेकरून तो सदर बाब वृत्तपत्रात छापून आणेल. आपले राजकिय नेतृत्व ठेंगणे पडत आहे. आणि खरच ह्या सगळ्या प्रशनाना उत्तर द्यायचे असेल तर एखादी गावकर्यांची सभा घेऊन शंकानिरसन करा. गावाचा विकास दूरच राहिला आहे, पण गावकर्यांचा आणि तरूणांचा विश्वास तरी तोडू नका. तेव्हा करताय ना मेसेज फोरवर्ड. का परत वीस रूपयाची दारु,एक बियर , ९० मारून पुढील पाच वर्षे गप्प बसाल. अरे लाज बाळगा मी मुरबेकर असल्याची . नाही तर बांगड्या भरायची औकात ठेवा. जय भवानी जय शिवाजी.
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This article was last modified 9 years ago