India /
Tamil Nadu /
Velur /
/ India
/ Tamil Nadu
/ Velur
World / India / Tamil Nadu / Karur
house, school, village

This village was nearly 400 year old village. This village is located in nearer to Cavery river. This village having excellent transport facility to reach the nearer Cities. The literacy rate was almost 100%. Main Business is agriculture. This village is famous for education which having excellent school. Most of the youths were engineers and doctors. For the past 10 years, Nadavai Friends group is doing good service work for peoples.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 11°4'30"N 77°58'41"E
- Rajamanickam / Rajarathinam House ( MRM) 3.5 km
- Paundamangalam 3.8 km
- Velusamy home pungampalayam 6.1 km
- K.C.Balakrishnan's House 11 km
- NK NAGAR 12 km
- Yuvaraj Sivalingam place 14 km
- kumaravalasu 21 km
- kodaiyur Karaipalayam 22 km
- Thangaraj (WIPRO) Home, Mani Tex. 33 km
- RDK Vanam 37 km
- Muninathapuram 1 km
- Alamarathumedu 1.3 km
- thirukadudhurai 1.9 km
- TNPL Colony 1.9 km
- Kagithapuram 2.7 km
- TNPL - Kagithapuram 3 km
- Uppupalayam 6.8 km
- thalavapalayam 7.7 km
- Poolamapalayam 8.8 km