Anthony Tan's Tuition (George Town)

Malaysia / Pulau Pinang / Georgetown / George Town
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Tuition in science subjects. See comments below.
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Coordinates:   5°24'56"N   100°19'17"E


  • he cant speak proper english, teach lousily, simply teach, waste time talking about his life. always ask the girls student to go to KTV with him. There was once were he molested a girl student from Union Secondary School and was logde a police report. Only idiots and stupid students go to him.
  • I go to his tuition. I know he is really useless. I always tell my friend about him. His tuition is useless. I don't understand anything he teach. He likes to molest girls students. I stop tuition there already. 100% lousy tuition in Penang.
  • I hate him. Stupid and lousy tuition teacher. Waste of money going there.
  • I went to his tuition also, Physics and Chemistry, lousy and teach all the rubbish. People say he good, after going for 2 lessons, he know he is rubbish. He also very gatal. Like to touch here and there. I stop after that.
  • He nearly molested me. I go home and told my mom and i stop going. Girls dont go. His physics class is lousy.
  • So many students. 60 people per class. How to learn. He is a terrible teacher. Dont even fit to be one. Hate his lessons and even his name. Like to show off his BMW only.
  • I regret going there. Learn nothing. Waste of time and money.
  • Anthony Tan sucks. His Physics and Chemistry is nonsense. He partner with Lee Choo Hock. Both also sucks. Old and useless.
  • Anthony Tan is a lousy teacher. He is not even a graduate. Not qualified. Is a mistake going there in the first place. Lousy tuition.
  • I hate the boys in his tuition class. All waste time talking not learning. Anthony Tan is also a lousy teacher. He cares only about the money. He seldom teaches. I stop already.
  • Anthony Tan is a pig. Don't go to his tuition.
  • He likes to touch girls hands. Very "ham sap"! Anthony Tan is like sex maniac!
  • He doesn't teach, he just waste time talking about his own stuff and takes pictures. Anthony Tan's tuition is useless.
  • Anthony Tan ask unqualified people to teach. He himself is also not qualified.
  • His Physics and Chemistry class is rubbish. His tuition is rubbish.
  • his Additional Maths class is so terrible. Don't go.
  • Anthony Tan Tuition is the worst I have ever been. He doesn't teach, just jokes all the time. Waste of time.
  • I agree with all of you, he is the F@#% of tuition. He is the bast@#$ of the tuition teacher. Anthony Tan is the Fuc@#$ Bast@#$. Lousy teacher.
  • Anthony Tan Maths tuition sucks. He only care about talking to the girls. He doesn't explain. When you ask question he scold you yelling at you "STUPID"!. I hate his tuition.
  • Anthony is juz a fucker and a big fat female pig !!!!!!!simply teach don't know english molest girl student.He is unqualified and it is wasting money and time going 2 his tuition!!!!!!!!! FUCKER!!!!!!!!
  • Why are the youth of Penang today so fouled mouth?
  • Another prime example of the overly exploited tuition 'market'. Seriously, you would think that people - especially parents - would have more common sense when it comes to supplementing their children's education. He is among those who have grown fat by feeding upon the fears of parents and students alike who conform to social norms -which by the way isn't even all that healthy to begin with. And speaking up on behalf of the people whom were unfortunate enough to come across said piece of shit. Cursing him is justified -and in my opinion 'chiquitita'- not even close to make up for the hurt and abuse he inflicts at his whim. Verbal, Physical even psychologically. See, penangnites are generally a nice lot, especially the younger generation. But he certainly has crossed the line with us and that's not something you forgive and forget. Especially since he's just plain nasty. So to anyone out there who actually read til this part. Please spread the word'S, about him, that is. HE IS: NASTY, UNBELIEVEABLY RUDE, DOWNRIGHT UGLY, EXTRAVAGANT, A PAIN IN THE ARSE A PERVERT, A SMOOTH-TALKER(only when he wants to girls)... The list could go on. But i'll sum it up by saying that he's scum. HE IS N.O.T. : A GOOD TEACHER(not even qualified), A ROLE-MODEL(yeah right), WORTH YOUR MONEY(Your SPM is at stake, why stake it on a lunatic?) A CUTE GUY(Don't fall for his tricks, and date men your own age) EVEN WORTH MENTIONING... Which is why i'm stopping here. Oh Yeah, and if 'YOU' see this in person... BOHKOLENG LA....WA BEH PA EH...EH-HERM...BOH HO CHIO...
  • now i agree with G1. i seen fierce teacher but not to the extend of such nasty one. The tuition teacher i attended at PBS was fierce, but at the same time he is also kind, motivated and caring. he motivates me a lot and such great guidance has help me to have high achievement. common, we students know how to differ what is good and bad for us. that's why after leaving anthony's tuition i joined PBS which was a blessing.
  • Wow. Seems like a lots of flaming going on here. I kind of disagree of what you guys think about him. Chill man, it's just a tuition class, teaching in Hokkien and Mandarin which are our mother tongue and dialect, meaning easy understanding between the teacher and students. Unless you are just an English shit and banana, go back to school and stick with your own teacher. Tuition class is all about extra easy learning instead of going in a boring uninteresting learning in (some) school. Try to think about, "How can he be so successful with his career just with tuition class?" "If he is really that bad, why is he still here with so many students and the number is keep on increasing?" "Why do you hate him so much?" Chill out guys. I believe there's some jealousy element behind these comment.
  • Tuition class is all about extra learning but not being lazy and simply teach. Some sense of responsibility should be there but he doesn't have any except flashing his cars and luxurious living. I don't think he is successful but rather arrogant, by the way he won't be here for long as more and more students from Penang will know how horrible he is. To be truthful, don't teach anyone if you don't have any proper qualification. I used to go there because of friends, to think back is great I left.
  • Do you know that Lee Choo Hock is giving tips in SPM? I think he is getting desperate to get students because he becoming old and useless. Some of my friends actually buy his karangan tips. Morons. Just like Andrew Choo, cheater and a liar.
  • Lately Anthony Tan became very rich. Buy mercedes and buy expensive watches. Not only that i saw him hugging some of his girls students. went out together for ktv and buy them gifts. Hai sometimes tuition teacher like him very ham sap. but wonder why still so many students like to go. they must be gatal i think. he had a fight with another parent the other day. the girl's parent say that he molested her so she want to stop the tuition. then anthony belanja makan to settle the problem. the mother not happy because now the daughter afraid of him. of course la who doesn't. the girl say anthony try to kiss and grab his buttocks. i was there that day. shameful la, anthony u r getting cheap.
  • He is Chap Ceng teacher. Beat students and shout at them. He treat students like dogs. Like to show off. Most students go to his class fpr present only. Me and many Chung Ling boys go there to see girks only. He really think he very good. PLs la! I tell you Bo Ko Leng la! After having tuition with him for 3 months, the truth is he only like to show off. If he so good go take Phd la
  • this tuition is very boring. not only he teach badly, he slaps students. he likes to say bo ko leng. what a lie. his science tuition is nonsense. when you ask him stuff he just talk about others. i thought winnie yap tuition is bad enough, this is another one. as a form 5 students, i would advice parents and future students not to go to winnie yap and anthony tan tuition because these morons will ruined our future. it is better off we just go find someone else but not them. honestly, top students and students who aim to be the best don't go to them. only weak and lazy students does.
  • btw..lee choo hock sux..guo4 lai2 ren3 say ei..if u dun blif..go try.. n waste ur time + $.. im so not going back next year..i kept wanting to stop but sumtimes he asked us to pay d fee for 2 months in a i had to go back!!he did tt twice!!huiyo.
  • went to his tuition centre to register for tuition. guess what, he like to ask what marks you get? so i say i forget, he scold me saying i am stupid like a pig. cannot remember is it? i felt very angry and left. i told my mom then my mom call him. he tell my mom that is too stupid to teach. students, remember that if you need help don't go to Anthony Tan tuition because he will look down at you!
  • very expensive and too many students. 50 students per class. crazy ah how to learn? worst than school la. go only 1 time then leave liao. no good la. he only give paper. no teaching. no understand cannot ask one.
  • if his tuition class is that worse, feeling that he had insulted u u can just leave.. no one is blocking ur way. Back stabbing and criticising people here only shows how has ur intellectual capacity extended to... Formula Milk nowadays is quite affordable and i am sure there is no melamin that will block the development of your neurons which helps in reasoning, analytical thinking and questioning.. since u guys are quite lacking in these skills huh..... ya.. adding on to my points, both Lee Choo Hock and Anthony Tan have skillfully past on their knowledge to us, in the simplest way.. if u cant absorb it, i think ur brain might be congested.. oh no, it is no longer a hypothesis anymore.. in fact, u guys r ( reflected through ur compliments here) a doctor might help... Good Luck.. ^^
  • ^ In the end, Anthony Tan still sucks, don't be his dog anymore, junk.
  • Don't know about Anthony Tan. But Lee Choo Hock teach the best BM tuition I have ever had. Can't understand how other people see it the other way round, I guess it depends on individual then...
  • my friend went to his tuition class .she thinks that he is a good teacher only a bit "ham sap".I almost went to his tuition ,after reading these comment i know i made a wise choice not going there.
  • his tuition class is not the best ... i think that we should depend on ourselve in study...his tuition is not a ideal place to gain knowledge but it is a place that target for exam.... he always give us a lot of exercise to do and it is true that i can complete spm add math 1 within 30 minit. Exercise make perfect. every tuition center is the same. we should not depend on tuition alone. Remember there has no tuition in university. self study is the best. tuition just make you more well prepared for exam.
  • It is a sexual offence and assault to touch girls' hands. Showing off is the disgrace for the tutor. Friends, look out for good educators and not like this .Anthony is not the cream. He is not declared officially that he is the national top scorer. And Lee Choo Hock. They are just well-informed in that area and not for all!!!
  • Scolding is not a mere solution... Undoubtedly, it is true. But hiding the truth is a blatant unknown prophecy for those who may attend the tuition. I opine that they all reserve the right to know what other people think. Your opinion or simply thought may cause others deprive the chances of knowing advantages or disadvantages. I have no comments on his ethics of teaching (though having heard he is a sex maniac; booster; imposter;) still I believe, he has his merits. Question of fact is why should those people shut their mouths. They have the rights to voice out!!! You should think considerately ! Absurd deprecation is a silly act!!!
  • Dont go Anthony Tan,he is boastful and moneyface.he teaches in hokkien.he does not respect any person at all.he even switch on the music when his assistance is teaching.he should respect other people before saying that other person does not respect him at all.he is also girl came late to his tuition a litter bit and he keep scolding her although she had say sorry for many times.
  • True, monie. It happens constantly to those people going to his class. You should switch your attention to others. Perhaps, I know one who is famous and also the national scorer. Everyone must wear wary eyes to those "moneyfaced tutor". He always boosts his ability yet he is not daring enough to show the proof. I wonder he is actually making those allegation in abstract. Inability to communicate in English proficiently is a great shame moreover, he keeps boosting on his accomplishment. I don't know why all the people are fond of going to his tuition. Good-looking? Flirting? Looking at girls? May be it is my personal view... Sorry if it hurts anyone ... However, i speak it at the bottom of my heart.
  • He teaches students how to boost; how to exaggerate and how to show-off. It is a shame... moreover, he wants to promote the package for form 3 students (math and science)... It is a sordid tactics. He likes money disregarding the welfare of students. BMW; Luxurious House and bra bra bra are so phenomenal to become his everyday topic. He should be claimed as "THE SHAMELESS, HEARTLESS, BOASTFUL AND MONEYFACED TUTOR IN PENANG" SHAME!!!SHAME!!!SHAME!!!
  • Don't go to his tuition coz all his students are actually dragged by relatives. He keeps on bragging his ability/ capability... Another example of bad behaved teacher... Haiz... he is not good to show his positive teaching ethics... Haiz... What can I say to this little sex maniac , joking, hurling insults at students...
  • A few years ago, before I attended his class, he said i could try for a day without paying. So I went to his class for this first time. I heard from my friend that he teaches his class in Mandarin and so I told him that I only understand simple Mandarin. Guess what he said to me, ''If you don't know Mandarin, get out of my class''. Okay shouting at me in front of the class. Fine. Maybe I shouldn't have told him. Not only that, there's this boy who either forgotten to bring his book or forgotten to complete his homework. Anthony slapped him, not once but more than that. Asked the boy to stand up and slap him again while asking him questions. Seriously? On the first day of my tuition there? So of course after that i stopped going to his tuition. After a few days he called up and indirectly scolded me for stopping the tuition without telling him. It is a MUST to tell the teacher when you want to stop the tuition? And so, I apologized without a reason and hung up. He even sent a message to me, ''As a student, you should know how to respect a teacher...'' and still going on about how i quit tuition without telling him. Right, so I became a girl who do not know how to respect teacher after quitting the tuition without telling him. The problem is, did he respect me? Did he respect the guy whom he slapped in front of the whole class? From that day onwards, he never once given me a good impression. No matter how good your teaching is,students will never like to attend a class with teachers they do not like.
  • guru ini miang sangat... dont go. always talk pennis n touch girls
  • He touches me! I hate him so much... I went there because of my friend who is his cousin... I hate him
  • I agreed with you coz his relative is from HeXX Ex school in penang. The guy is from Form 5
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This article was last modified 14 years ago