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Kota Setar

Malaysia / Kedah / Alor Setar /

Alor Setar, known as Alor Star between 2004 and 2008[1], is the state capital of Kedah, Malaysia, and Kota Setar District's Administrative Centre. It is also a distribution center for manufacturing and agricultural products such as paddy, and the royal seat of the Kedah state since the establishment of this city. The city, which has an urban population of approximately more than 300,000, is one of the region’s oldest cities.
City 160 km2 (61.8 sq mi)
Population (2005)[1]
- City 217,368
- Density 590/km2 (1,528.1/sq mi)
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   6°5'58"N   100°21'39"E


  • Rikimtasu (guest)
    what?@@I'm alor star plp loh...this isn't hell larXD
  • heazaarooo (guest)
    alor star...or aloq staq...the place to be!!!
  • Max (guest)
    capital city of national padi
  • akubest (guest) hometown...i really miss it...
  • Abe (guest)
    seem not a big city, but i am not sure just have a 5 minutes stop in here by train...wakaka
  • br8 (guest)
    yay! i wanna see my house.. really missed it so much... can't wait to go home for Hari Raya!
  • larysub (guest)
    The best place to start in Alor Setar is Pekan Rabu. a crowded place where you can find anything authentic and unique about the malays in Kedah. To try authentic Kedah's food, try Restoran Mustaffa in Pumpong (maybe has changed name), where you can try gulai keli, gulai tulang, daging panggang, sayur keladi, sup tulang, and many other tasty malay dishes, Kedah style. Or, if you want really good nasi kandar, try Nasi Lemak Ali, open after 5 pm. Now there is another restaurant in Simpang Kuala, Restoran Aina, also serves good food. Some people would recommend mee abu, but I have tried once, quite okay but nothing special for me. To the outsiders, they may not see the beauty of Alor Setar, but for me who have stayed there, it is the hometown I like to be in. I want to go back to this nostalgic place.
  • Noyus96 (guest)
    Hai, I am a Singaporean who married with a Kedah bornman. I went back to kedah every year during school holiday. The first time I step in Kedah was in 1995, when I married to my hubby. The place is very different fm other province that I hv visited. It was quite clean. The people are very friendly. Even i really understand their language, my hubby will interpret for me. But now I can understand them better, but still can't talk like them. : ). The weather was really very very hot. But the food there was fantastic. Especially during the fasting month. I love to eat pesembor, laksa buyong, cucuk udang n laksam at the pasar malam. Which U cannot get in Singapore. And the best thing is the ICE KACANG BARCELONA at opposite Gaint, Alor Merah. I even bought a house there, we make it like a homestay. I always looking forward to go back there during June holiday.
  • dead_fish1
    Visit Kedah Year 2008...u are all welcome to my beautiful Kedah...
  • jayrechan (guest)
    a peaceful n lovely place....... like it vy much......
  • Happiness (guest)
  • (guest)
    I love Kedah! That's why I still here! Alor Star Kedah, tanahairku :)
  • anakmalaya
  • kahar tmn suriaDUN JITRA (guest)
    rakyat KUBANG PASU msih buta pada keADILan.... dimohon DSAI turun mencelikkn para2 pngundi yg msih tunduk pd pmimpin yg bertopengkn syaitan.. JATUHKAN DATOK JOE!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!!
  • kahar tmn suriaDUN JITRA (guest)
    rakyat KUBANG PASU msih buta pada keADILan.... dimohon DSAI turun mencelikkn para2 pngundi yg msih tunduk pd pmimpin yg bertopengkn syaitan.. JATUHKAN DATOK JOE!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!! ALLAHHUAKBAR!!!!!!!!
  • padifield (guest)
    tepuk dada tny iman both parties ok.starting merdeka aman je malaysia. no body can be fool look forward,find where source of 'NUR' can make DARULAMAN brighting...... home sweeeeeeet home....
  • faris (guest)
    saya harap kedah lebih maju hebat di dunia moden ini. dan kali ini saya harap pemain skuad kenari akan menang dan mendapat tempat teratas dalam permainan bola sepak.saya harap kedah akan menjadi terkenal.
  • MAIBM (guest)
    alor setar lani dipegang DAP la.. awat melayu bengong sangat.. padan muka orang kedah dok xsedaq diri lagi... sikit hari lagi DAP boleh amik kedah kalau orang melayu dok percaya UMNO lagi..
  • Arip92
    Dap tak kacau masjid tak macam umno pantang ada takzirah.Yg tutup sek agama rakyat parti apa?.Yg bunoh org dimemali parti apa?Jika ustaz fazil noor ada tentu dia gembira tengok utz azizan Yb Nizar jadi menteri besar kedah & perak.Terima kasih rakyat malaysia anda dapat lakukan nya
  • FEIROL (guest)
  • buDin (guest)
    ALoq Staq in My Life!!!!!! Alor Star is The Best 0f Town in maLaySia......
  • eth0 for more info. t`q
  • cOuNTersTRiKe said.. (guest)
    kalo yg baru dok sat2 di alor star ni..mmg la rasa nothin spesial..cuba dok lama sket..mungkin maksud korang hiburan kurang kott..ala...nk kemana hiburan tu...jika jiwa x tenang dok pikiaq.."nak joli ape g mlm ni ha?"...kembalilah pada yg i alor star tmpt yg mendamaikan...wlopun serba kekurangan..ia mengajar kita besyukur apa yg ada....wasatiah / kesederhanaan yg kita aku cukup malu tgk anak kedah esp di alor star yg dh mcm org 'pheghak hulu'..dek kejutan budaya...insaflah wahai warga kedah...dunia makin lemah...makin goncang... cuma aku harap MB kekalkan A.Star sbg bandaraya kecil ke-10 terbaik di dunia dr segi sosio ekonominya dan kemasyarakatannya.Amin
  • ikka (guest)
    hye..i`m schooling in smktam...
  • raviniranam, (guest)
    i was born in alor star hospital in 1963. now i am residing in India. when i was 3 years old my parents settled in india. now i like to hear about malaya. any body can help me.when i see this place in net.. i really feel happy. even if i live here in india my mind is there. my father worked at keddah. i think estate name is bukith jenting contact number is name ravindra nathan.
  • zhe (guest)
    good alor star
  • haha (guest)
    i like alor star
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