محمد قناوى عبد العاطى وسالم قناوى
Egypt /
Qina /
Armant /
/ Egypt
/ Qina
/ Armant
, 2 km from center (أرمنت)
World / Egypt
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 25°42'55"N 32°36'10"E
- قطعت ارض العذب عبد العاطى 0.3 km
- ال المعى 0.4 km
- ال بيت الشيخ حندقها 0.7 km
- Kiya 1.2 km
- الطريق الخارفى 1.5 km
- Ancient artificial lake of Birket Habu 1.9 km
- الحج عبدالنعيم 2.2 km
- الحج عبدالنعيم وأولاده 2.2 km
- guytjhg 4.4 km
- Madinet Habu Temple Complex 0.5 km
- Temple of Tutankhamen, Ay and Horemheb 0.7 km
- Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, festival hall 0.9 km
- Temple of Amun at Malqata 0.9 km
- The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III 0.9 km
- Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, northern portion 1 km
- نسئلكم الفاتحه 1.2 km
- Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, western portion 1.2 km
- Cemetery 2 km
- Ancient Thebes with Necropolis 2.4 km
Madinet Habu Temple Complex
Temple of Tutankhamen, Ay and Horemheb
Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, festival hall
Temple of Amun at Malqata
The Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III
Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, northern portion
نسئلكم الفاتحه
Malqata palace of Amenhotpe III, western portion
Ancient Thebes with Necropolis