FNG - Sectorul II "Sendreni"
Romania /
Galati /
Sendreni /
/ Romania
/ Galati
/ Sendreni
World / Romania
historical layer / disappeared object
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Sectorul II "Sendreni" al "Frontului Fortificat Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati", construit intre 1888 si 1894.
Continea trei baterii de Linia Intai, o baterie de Linia a Doua si o baterie de Linia a Treia.
Sector II(2nd) "Sendreni" of the "Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati Fortified Front", built between 1888 and 1894.
It contained three First Line Batteries, one Second Line Battery and one Third Line Battery.
Continea trei baterii de Linia Intai, o baterie de Linia a Doua si o baterie de Linia a Treia.
Sector II(2nd) "Sendreni" of the "Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati Fortified Front", built between 1888 and 1894.
It contained three First Line Batteries, one Second Line Battery and one Third Line Battery.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 45°25'41"N 27°55'13"E
- FNG - Sectorul IV "Barbosi" 3.2 km
- FNG - Sectorul VI "Covurlui" 6 km
- FNG - Sectorul VII "Filesti" 7.4 km
- FNG - Sectorul VIII "Traian" 8.7 km
- Vrancea Earthquake Center 25-APR-2009 17:18:48 MAG 5.3 DEPTH 96 112 km
- Fostul Satul nou in [secolele IXX si inceputul sec. XX] 145 km
- Cuconestii Vechi 289 km
- Part of an administrative reassignment of territory of Northern Bukovina 346 km
- The southernmost point of Polish Republic between 1918–1939 347 km
- The Battle of Obertyn place 423 km
- Halda de zgură 2.2 km
- Vechiul abator 3.4 km
- ArcelorMittal Galati-Steel Plant 4.7 km
- Siretul Mort 5.5 km
- Lacul Potcoava. 6.8 km
- Aerodrom Aerial Club Vadeni 7.1 km
- segment din valul roman Traian-Tulucești 7.6 km
- Lacul Lozova. 7.7 km
- Galaţi 10 km
- Aerodrom V.Alecsandri 10 km