Baterie obuzier 120mm / 120mm howitzer Battery

Romania / Galati / Vanatori /
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Baterie de linia a treia a sectorului IX "Rares" din cadrul "Frontului Fortificat Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati", construit intre 1888 si 1894.
Inarmata cu 2 cupole pentru obuziere de 120mm si doua pozitii deschise pentru mortiere sferice tip Schumann de 120mm.

Third line battery belonging to Sector IX "Rares" of the "Focsani-Namoloasa-Galati Fortified Front" built between 1888 and 1894.
Armed with 2 fixed 120mm howitzers under cupollas and two open emplacements for 120mm Schumann spherical mortars.
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Coordinates:   45°29'1"N   28°1'0"E
This article was last modified 11 years ago