India /
Maharashtra /
Pandhakarwada /
Taluka : Kelapur, District : Yavatmal.
/ India
/ Maharashtra
/ Pandhakarwada
जग / भारत / महाराष्ट्र / यवतमाळ
गट निवडा

Some information about village Nanadgaon .
Nanadgaon is a Small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kelapur in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 village Nanadgaon of Tehsil / Taluka Kelapur in the Yavatmal district has 22 households and Total Population of 104 Of this , male population is 54 and female Population is 50. Could not find out Postal PIN code for Branch Post Office / Sub Post Office of Nanadgaon.
Nanadgaon is a Small village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kelapur in the Yavatmal district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census for the year 2011 village Nanadgaon of Tehsil / Taluka Kelapur in the Yavatmal district has 22 households and Total Population of 104 Of this , male population is 54 and female Population is 50. Could not find out Postal PIN code for Branch Post Office / Sub Post Office of Nanadgaon.
Nearby cities:
अक्षांश-रेखांश : 20°1'2"N 78°33'51"E
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- Ram Mandir 2.1 किमी.