Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Teaching University (თბილისი)
Georgia /
Tiflis /
Tbilisi /
თბილისი /
კალისტრატე ქუთათელაძის ქუჩა, 3
/ Georgia
/ Tiflis
/ Tbilisi
, 5 კმ ცენტრიდან (Тбилиси)
მსოფლიო / საქართველო / თბილისი
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Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Teaching University was founded in 2002. It was initially called Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Institute of Philosophy, Theology, History and Culture.
In 2009 the Institute obtained state accreditation.
The same year it launched a Faculty of Law and a Master’s Program in Theology, thus receiving the status of a university.
From 2012-2013 academic years the minor program of cultural tourism has been added in the bachelor’s program of theology. And from the academic year 2013-2014 three new accredited programs will be realized. Bachelor’s program of Intercultural communication and translations (in the Faculty of Humanities), Bachelor’s program of Business administration (Faculty of Business and Law) and Bachelor’s program in Tourism (Faculty of Business and Law).
In 2009 the Institute obtained state accreditation.
The same year it launched a Faculty of Law and a Master’s Program in Theology, thus receiving the status of a university.
From 2012-2013 academic years the minor program of cultural tourism has been added in the bachelor’s program of theology. And from the academic year 2013-2014 three new accredited programs will be realized. Bachelor’s program of Intercultural communication and translations (in the Faculty of Humanities), Bachelor’s program of Business administration (Faculty of Business and Law) and Bachelor’s program in Tourism (Faculty of Business and Law).
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კოორდინატები: 41°43'21"N 44°44'36"E
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