
India / Andhra Pradesh / Palakollu /
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Vedangi is one of the village located in poduru mandal. My village is separated from other villages by the main river on one side and by its tributary on two other sides. Agriculture is the main stay and occupation of the villager.My village contains full of fields(paddy) and lemon gardens and fully coconut trees.
Educations are open from primary to high school level.the schools is beside the pond This pond is one of the beautiful place in vedangi.The Krishna Temple is Placed in The middle Of the pond.
There are many temples are in my village, Every year we are celebrates GOGULAMMA JATARA in village, Every person in village are waiting for this jatara. Other festivals like SANKRANTHI,VINAYAKACHAVITI,SRIRAMA NAVAMI are celebrate greatly in my village.
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Coordinates:   16°33'57"N   81°43'4"E


  • Vedangi is the green and beautiful village in poduru mandal ,west godavari district ,andra pradesh,india .main habit of people is cultivation .Vedangi is wellknown for its High quality lemon fields.98% of lands under cultivation.
  • Vedangi is a beautiful place in between two canals. By just getting down, you will find lord Anjaneya Swamy temple. By entering into the village, you will feel the freshness of village. The green fields, coconut trees on both sides of the road, lemon gardens, banana plantation makes the village more colorful and joyful. The sounds of birds which really makes you feel peaceful. Really a place for love to live.
  • kondeti srinivasa naga krishnamurthy(srinu) Iam feeling very proud to borned in vedangi.All the people in this village are very cooperative.Avery year in month of April or May we celebrate GOGULAMMA JATARA. All the people who borned in this village are waiting for this JATARA.This JATARA shows the unity of our village. Vedangi has such a good number of cricket players suri(12th man),kotti vasu,D.vasu,sarma,chintarao,ramprasad,korrakuti hari,mahesh.If you want to see heaven pls visit our village.
  • Vedangi is a very good village. A village is ma ammama vala village. e village llo GOGULAMMA JATARA chala baga chesturu. e village llo peoples baga farmer chestru. this is village a very good village. naku baga nache village.
  • PODURU WEST GODAVARI DISTRICT NEAR PALAKOLLU This is a brief explanation about poduru.OOnce up on a time there lived a person named COL DATLA SATYANARAYANA RAJU .He established a polytechnic college in poduru that is nothing but COL D S RAJU POLYTEHNIC COLLEGE.Now its became a top mose colleges in our nearly 2600 membres of students are getting educated in that we all are most thankful to him. particularly hat college students.students studied in this college were settled in other countries also.
  • Vedangipalem is beautifull village.coulcher is good looks are village somethings special.
  • Vedangipalem is a fantastick village.There are village is green trees, fish fond, kirana shops. There are village is somebody look's is somethings special.
  • In vedangi, is there a huge snake idol.My mother says there is. Please tell me of you know
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This article was last modified 9 years ago