India /
Maharashtra /
Umred /
/ India
/ Maharashtra
/ Umred
World / India / Maharashtra / Nagpur

Some information about Musalgaon Village.
Musalgaon is a village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kuhi , in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census of 2011 Village Musalgaon of Tehsil / Taluka Kuhi in the Nagpur district has 173 households and Total Population of 773, Of this , male population is 409 and female Population is 364 . Population figures for Musalgaon taken from Indian Census documents 2011 .Mohadara village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number . Postal pin code for Musalgaon Village is 441202 shared with 12 other villages under one Head Post Office.
Musalgaon is a village in the tehsil / Taluka of Kuhi , in the Nagpur district of Maharashtra . As per provisional census of 2011 Village Musalgaon of Tehsil / Taluka Kuhi in the Nagpur district has 173 households and Total Population of 773, Of this , male population is 409 and female Population is 364 . Population figures for Musalgaon taken from Indian Census documents 2011 .Mohadara village has not been allotted an independent Postal PIN code number . Postal pin code for Musalgaon Village is 441202 shared with 12 other villages under one Head Post Office.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 20°58'3"N 79°22'56"E
- TALAW 4.7 km
- Isapur ( navegaon) 5.6 km
- mangli 11 km
- raju mankar farm 12 km
- Vinod Deshmukh (Farm) 12 km
- Zarap Village ,Ta. Kampthi,Dist nagpur 13 km
- Malwatkars farm 14 km
- stn farm 14 km
- Anandra Thakare's and Gajanan Thakare's Farm 17 km
- UMRI GAO 20 km
- Shivnara Talao 5.3 km
- Tembhari Lake 7.3 km
- Adam Fort - Excavation site by A.S.I. 8.2 km
- Shekhar Kakde Patil Farms 11 km
- Tank 12 km
- Malwatkars farm 13 km
- Khasra No. 146/2 & 148, Selu (Mr. Rajesh S. Malu) 16 km
- M/s. S. N. Malu Steel Pvt. Ltd. (Khasra No. 137/3, Selu) 16 km
- Mohakhedi 16 km