Beanibazar Upazila HQ | township, subdistrict, fourth-level administrative division, local government

India / Assam / Karimganj /
 township, subdistrict, fourth-level administrative division, local government

Beanibazar Upazila (Sylhet district) with an area of 253.22 sq km is bounded by Kanaighat and Zakiganj upazilas on the north, Barlekha on the south, Assam (India) and Zakiganj upaizila on the east and Golabganj upazila on the west. The upazila has 12.01 km long international boundary with India. Main rivers: surma, Kushiyara and Sonai. Main canals: Kalauchi and Sada Khal; haor 1; Jalmahal 43; total forest area 15.54 sq km; tilas (hillocks) 170.

Beanibazar town is located at 24.8177965N 92.1574003E. Beanibazar (Town) consists of 5 mouzas. The town has an area of 7.28 sq km. It has a population of 14009; male 51.02%, female 48.98%; density of population is 1924 per sq km. Literacy rate among the town people is 56.9%. The town has one rest house.

Beanibazar thana was established in 1938 and was turned into an upazila in 1983. The upazila consists of 11 union parishads, 145 mouzas and 176 villages.

Archaeological heritage Basudeva Temole and Basudeva image (made of black basalt) at Supatala mouza, copperplate inscription and an elephant embossed stamp of the Kamarupa king Vaskar Barma, remnants of the palace of Tengra.

Historical events: The region was once inhabited by the tribal Kukis.

As of 1991 Bangladesh census, Population 181547; male 49.50%, female 50.50%; Muslim 95.66%, Hindu 4.31%, and others 0.03%.

Religious institutions Mosque 388, temple 19, sacred place 1 and tomb 7, noted of which are Patan Baghmara Jami Masjid, tomb of Golab Shah (Bashba) known as 'Imam Bari', Mahapravhu Bigraha Akhra (Jaldhup).

Literacy and educational institutions Average literacy 61.3%; male 66.3%, female 56.3%. Educational institutions: college 6, secondary school 31, junior high school 2, primary school (government) 113, primary school (non-government) 19, satellite school 10, kindergarten 4, madrasa 45. Lautah High School (1871), Khasa Government Primary School (1895), Jaldhup Government Primary School (1909), Panchakanda Hargovinda High School (1917) are notable educational institutions.

Main occupations Agriculture 19.33%, fishing 4.52%, agricultural labourer 10.15%, wage labourer 8.6%, commerce 11.87%, transport 2.11%, construction 2.61%, service 5.04%, house renting out 14.57%, others 21.2%.

Land use Arable land 22783.08 hectares, fallow land 2244.03 hectares; single crop 64%, double crop 30% and triple crop 6%. Cultivable land under irrigation 476.73 hectares.

Land control Among the peasants 10% are landless, 75% marginal, 12% intermediate and 3% rich; cultivable land per head 0.15 hectare.

Fisheries, dairies, poultries Fishery 48, dairy 5, poultry 43.

Communication facilities Roads: pucca 57 km, semi pucca 20 km and mud road 209 km.

Manufactories Ice cream factory 21, rice mill 55, saw mill 25.

Cottage industries Bamboo works 10, goldsmith 50, blacksmith 40, potteries 10, wood works 94, tailoring 201, welding 41, wool knitting 5, leather works 1, pottery 1.

Mineral resources Gas field 2.

Main exports Orange, cassia leaf, gas.

NGO activities CARE, brac, asa, and Symantik (local).

Health centres Upazila health centre 1, health and family planning centre 4, union health centre 5.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   24°49'11"N   92°9'32"E


  • this is a beautiful place to live the best in Bangladesh
  • I've heard from a lot of people this area has a bad reputation and i don't mean to generalise but my family's experience with the people from this area hasn't been good. Most of the feedback i hear about people from this area is that the older generations were mainly crooks.
  • There is a huge amount of wealth in Beani Bazar, many of whom live abroad, owning restaurants, businesses and factories. During political campaigns a lot of finance and resources are allocated there from abroad. Currently there is a large scale development programme for building homes, business and commercial properties and demand for cement and bricks cannot be met which is ruining the beauty of Beani Bazar. Nearly all the homes and villages have gas piped to their homes and almost all the roads are in good condition and are on the way to being tarmac. Good and bad people are found everywhere, especially crooks but these are but a few, you have to visit Sylhet town and Dhaka to understand the word crooks, but my experience is that with all that wealth they have they cannot coordinate the funding of institutions, like schools, colleges and the university yes a university in Beani Bazar to excel to western standards. The country is Beautiful, corruption is rampant, a mafia style government and the poor will remain poor and the rich will be super rich thats just life so live with it, enjoy the pleasures of the world and seek alternative measures.
  • shout out 2 my ends in beani bazar my villages khoshba, baurbhag & noyagram all day fuk all dem lamar wasteman endz!
  • Im from Silot, so fuk all those beani bazaari indians we are the real sylhety bengalis from sylhet sadar thana, and we dont speak beani bazaari noakhali language, our neighbours are Balagonj, Biswanath, chattak, not india so beanis dont claim to be Real Sylhety Bengalis
  • my village, utter akakhazna, has been developed alot by the local people and i appreciate what they have done and would like to thank them from the bottom of my heart. But i find that one fault that they have is that they're arrogant and don't respect or value each others opinion which is bad for society. They should learn how to respect all age groups and be human.
  • Just visited B.bazar and wanted to do some research. And came across this forum. Most of the comments are over 5 years old. So I'm sure most would have more to say. As a Bangladeshi from the UK I find it hilarious with some of the comment. And the guy from central Osmani bad mouthing b.bazar remember if it wasn't for india you would be god know where. Stop your nonsense and help colobarate and develop the country.
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This article was last modified 12 years ago