Morrisons Supermarket (Safeway)

Gibraltar /
 grocery / grocery store, supermarket, Morrisons

Where most tourists go to get their duty frees. Better prices than main street for cigarettes. Alcohol is generally more expensive than shopping around in the Main St. area.

After much speculation at the time of Morissons' take-over of Safeway, the company have now re-affirmed their commitment to Gibraltar. The store is currently undergoing refurbishment works as the last remaining Safeway store to be re-branded as Morrisons.

Note that all prices in Gibraltar are in Gibraltar Pounds (equivalent to Pounds Sterling) though Euros are generally accepted at the prevailing exchange rate. Change will almost always be given in pounds.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   36°8'40"N   5°21'38"W


  • Both the Pound Sterling (GBP) and the Gibraltar Pound (GIP) are used in Gibraltar and most shops will also accept payment in Euros (EUR).
  • always ask for your change in english pounds, gibraltar pounds are not accepted in spain
  • I worked at Safeway Inc HQ in Phoenix, Arizona. Thank you for the historical information as to how a Safeway store ended up in Gibraltar :-)
This article was last modified 10 years ago