Battle Mountain (San Diego, California)

USA / California / Poway / San Diego, California
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Elevation: 784 ft. The peak is clearly seen from I-15 topped with a large cross. The monument is illuminated at night.
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Coordinates:   33°2'50"N   117°4'5"W


  • What ever happened to Mule Hill? You guys knock it down and put up Battle Mountain? All the Best
  • I used to climb this "Mountain" as a kid. What a great view from the top!
  • The True mule hill is just a few feet to the left.. the one with the rocks on it... No artifacts were found on the smaller hill, only on the larger hill. Figures they would want to get as high as they could, plus the rocks would provide natural defense, the cross was put on the smaller hill to not destroy any archeologiacal importance. Oh, and just for the record and Battle Mountian is in Nevada, and there was never a battle there....
  • True mule hill not seen in this photo. Mule hill is to the north. Access to trails and markers for "Mule Hill" are at the mall exit. Via Rancho Pkwy. The cross on Battle Mtn was put up by a small group of Rancho Bernardo residents after 19 RB residents died in plane crash in 1966.
  • The "mountain" is on San Diego City property, therefore the cross on top is a violation of the First Amendment. The process has begun to have it removed.
  • The easement that allows the cross is no First Ammendment violation and in no way impinges on anyone's religious rights. God bless America. Let freedom ring!
  • Amen to that!
  • I think the cross will look great next to the giant neon Goat of Mendes I'm putting up there in celebration of religious rights and ringing freedom. Hail Satan!
  • I love looking at the cross both in the daytime and at night.
  • Excuse me, but that is not a cross but a main survey piont for the San Diego County area. Thank you.
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This article was last modified 8 months ago