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Utqiaġvik (Barrow), Alaska

USA / Alaska / Barrow /
 city, county seat

Formerly known as Barrow. Northernmost settlement in the United States and northernmost town of more than 4,000 people in the world. (2006 population of 4065)
Tiksi, Russia is at 71°39′N 128°52′E Coordinates with 5063 population which makes it farther north with a larger population.
City website:

Sea ice webcam:


Overview & History:
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   71°17'44"N   156°45'44"W


  • Me (guest)
    Its cold
  • watchdog (guest)
    Bigger than I imagined, based off of the movie 30 Days of Night.
  • apok_khaos (guest)
    i wanna live here so bad!!!
  • herecomethemigs17212329 (guest)
    the reason the surrounding areas look so funky is because when the area was covered with glaciers they dug holes in the ground wich when the glaciers melted the holes filled with water and became kettle lakes.
  • herecomethemigs17212329 (guest)
    it would really neat to be able to visit here but im not the kind of person that would live here. if anybody has any pictures of the town and surrounding areas please post!!!!
  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (guest)
    this town is very nice. i would really like to visit here sometime, but its just too cold!
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  •  94 km
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  •  932 km