Former Neureut Kaserne (Karlsruhe) | military, barracks, closed / former military

Germany / Baden-Wurttemberg / Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen / Karlsruhe
 military, barracks, invisible, closed / former military
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Coordinates:   49°3'30"N   8°23'54"E


  • Why did they doze everything?
  • cause they are extending the settlement, and building there new homes
  • was looking for the em-nco club, was there 1967-1969 did not realize it was completly gone
  • anyone from the 516th signal support group out there give me a shout. i managed the em-nco club 1967-1969
  • I was stationed in Neureut from 1986-89 269th Signal Company as a cable DOG, 72nd Signal BN. As my second duty station, being a lower enlisted E4, it was the peak of my carrer as far as bonding with my peers and fun in the military. Even though I advanced to the rank of E7 in later years, the time and missions of my time in Karlsruhe were the fondest. Not only the EM club and crazy friends, clubs, partying, but the missions to Italy, Belgium, Turkey and all around Germany installing Signal Towers and Cabling. I recall installing a microwave dish on top of a tower near NATO headquarters, when a severe storm just rolled in, we did not have time to get down the tower, so we just stayed up there. Our Colonel saw us and gave us a unit coin for being brave and completing our work.. LOL
  • Years later I was station in Germnay (95-96) but in Landstuhl, Worms and Mannheim. I visit Karlsruhe on a weekend only to see Neureut Kasern and my old barracks without doors nor windows, I thought it was being renovated for civilians. Gerzewski was abandoned and unkempt, PX and housing was returned to the locals. I now work in the US for a German Company and visit Frankfurt annually. I will take my wife to visit this beautiful city one day, show her the great bike and walking trails, the architecture and downtown area. My VP is actually from Ettlingen, where another US Kasern had once been active. Besides the great memories and sad ones. the city is a great place and only a few hours from France.
  • Stationed there 1963-1966.Sorry to hear it's going away. Lots of memories at the EM club. 10 cent beer and 15 cent drinks. Live entertainment on Sundays. Freezing your ass off in the motor pool. Regards, Tony Font
  • Stationed here too, from 88-90 with the 269th Signal Co as well. Great experience.
  • I was stationed there in Neureut with the 529th FA Observation Bn , 1954-55. I had survived the Holocaust , so that it was a turnbout then occupying Germany as a US Soldier.
  • I was stationed in Neureut from !986 until our move to Ettlingen (Rheinland Kasern). I was in the motor pool as generator mech. Our 1SGT had a german shepard he kept demoting.
  • I was with the 269th Signal Company motor pool from 1986-89. 1SG's german shepard was always in trouble. We moved to Ettlingen, if I remember correctly, in 1989. After deployment to Iraq in 91 we moved to Sullivan Barracks in Manhein as Delta Co 72 Sig Bn.
  • Most of our competition (in anything) came from the 324th sig co. A SFC McClain Cable Pltn 269th influenced my military career greatly. After our moves to Rhineland and later to Sullivan Barracks as D CO, I went to FT Bliss. Left Ft Bliss 2yrs later to join the Wolf Pack out of Ft Lewis Wa. There I became a BNCOC instructor teaching in Phoenix AZ until my retirement in 2005. My heart is still heavy for the loss of life from the 502nd river FTX back on Nueruet Kaserne.
  • Hi Everybody. I am trying to find my Birthfather. He was in Neureuth 1988. His Name is Kevin Campbell. I want to meet him. Can anybody please help me.
  • I was station with the 268th signal 79 to 81 had some good memories
  • I was there in 1978-1979. I was with the 15th AG Detachment (Postal), Good times.
  • 207th signal cmpany from 1976-1978, best time and group ofsoliders and down to earth people,i ever been around. anyone from 207th signal company love to hear from you.
  • Stationed at Det-B, 2nd Maint Bn 1964-1966 great duty, we maintained the pre-positioned equipment.
  • 268th and 58th from '83 to '85. Those were some good times. "Smokin' Joe" Rose and Frank Rakowski were awesome to work for. Anybody remember Rose closing down the day with two pair of boxing gloves around his neck and inviting folks who had a bone to pick to meet him behind the barracks? And who could forget the "throwin' Samoans" and the roasted pigs.
  • Stationed there in 66-6 with the 620th S&S Company. We were shipped back to the states in late 67 as part of the NATO Reforger plan. I see the wharehouses still stand, but not much else. The dozers seem to have leveled the place. Found memories, great food, cheap drinks, good friends. Miss the road trips to Smiley and Manhiem. See you later Comrade.
  • I was there same time period. SFC McClain was my very first platoon SGT. I was a brand new 2LT. He was the greatest. I remember the 502nd river death, we looked at the vehicle in the motor pool after it happened. Great memories at Neureut, I was with 269 and 58th.
  • I was part of the 324th (78 -80) , but spent a lot of time hanging with guys from the 93rd. So many great bf Patty Maye, other folks that come to mind, Fritz, Chuck, Jeff, JD, Del, Snuffy, Dean...many faces come to mind:-)
  • I was in the same unitB co 29th / C co 69th I arrived 4/61 and rotated back to the states 9/63 I was assigned to wire platoon. 1st Sgt. DeHaven our company commander was from Brooklyn NY I can't remember his name and I of all people should. his patience and kindness Have stayed with me all these years he was a fantastic man. Tommy Reid
  • bryan aiken 1978-1979 neureut kaserne 593rd sig bn shout out to anyone that may have been there.
  • I was stationed there 1962/1963 with the 2nd inf maint bn. I was a maint clerk at the motor pool. I hope all is well with those I served with in Germany. Ray Bonebrake
  • I was in Neureut from 61-64. Remember the 2nd imb well. You knew the long thrust maneuvers from the US were going on when anything with wheels and a motor and a beating heart to drive it would roll out of your storage area to meet the incoming troops. Also remember the winter of 62/63. Brutal.
  • Jim Jenkins , I was at Neureut kaserne from 1961 until September 1963 in "A" co. , 17th Signal Bn. Haven't been back, but would love to go back to Karlshrue.
  • Richard Carson I was a Chaplin Assistant (Chaplin John W. Tyler) TDY to the 516th Signal Group from 7/61 until 2/63...I worked at the EM club under Sgt. 1st class Purcell and Sgt. "Mac" what a great guy! I have been back twice mainly to visit our German landlords. Neureut is now park of Karlsruhe. Wonder what happen to my 1951 Mercedes purchased from a Major for $150 blew up on the Autobann.
  • Assigned to the 201st Signal Company which later became B Company of Signal Battalion 102nd. Karlsruhe was a great assignment. '66 - '68.
  • I was stationed there in 1970 with the 4th Signal Service Group. Had a lot of good times.
  • I am Robert Gupton (Gup as I was called ) I was at Neureut July 58 until July 60, assigned to the 17th Signal Bn. as a Crypto Repairman. I have a lot of good memories of my time at Neureut. Buddies were Buddy Roy, Karnes, Larry Castle, Walters. Would love to hear from others that were there during that time. We hung out at the Papa Club, Toyko bar and other places that their names escape me.
  • I'm Willie Stevenson junior station on Neureut Kaserne from 1983 to 1985 sorry about hearing about the closeing but would like to find friend who was there check me out on facebook
  • I spend a year at Neureut with the 620th repair part and then another year at spinelli barracks with the 12th supply co in Mannheim. I had many good times but had no use for the Army.
  • I forgot to say I was there from 1965 to 1967
  • I remember that we had a very good time so you know E7 Hamilton and all the games from the motor pool,i was in supply
  • Patty Maye, I remember you. I was also stationed at that time. Spec.4 Stacey from We were in the Wac Shack together.
  • my name is stephen gunner gama posting this onmy wifes facebook,to contact me at any gunnergyn facebook pages 2009-2014
  • of the 93rd crews do you recall maness,garcia,verdusco,gunner gama,mckern "with his camera at all times"(bad acne)that tall german guy that was allways around and had a sister named sentawith friends bearta and tea(sounds like taya)very tall gal. what happend to our kasern and why the place i remember waxsnt that bad off ...we lived there,walked the cobble stone roads back and forth ,to and from ,getting tottaly fucked up but allways barely makeing it back to the barraks and our4 awsome stero systems fro affess,remember those huge speakers they sold with the 5 to 6 peice rack systems"marantz,sony,sansui,pioneer,kenwood,ect,wow what memories,fuckin-a luvin those memuas hewah! F.T.A.,a tottalyblack army at those times not being racist just stateing facks
  • How neat my grandpa was there from Nov of 1954. Battery B 529tg FAOB. His name is Leonard Brown.
  • was this in 1980? i remember a greg maness, steve gama along with others, I was in the 72nd but they were only a building or two away, have alot of great memories and a beautiful daughter from those times.
  • I was there in 75 stationed with the 502 engineers, anyone from that time it was great for what it was.
  • I was there from 78-81. Stationed with the 15th AG Postal Detachment. My name then was Karen McKinney-Hulsinger. I've been looking for my friend Darci Morlan for years. Recently connected with another friend I had then.
  • I was the 502d supply sgt mid to late 75 Then on to Bn S-4
  • Hi my name is John Smith I was with the APO or 15thag from 77 to 79 driving the mailtruck had a good time
  • I was station in the communications unit in 1970,sorry to see it was gone.
  • I'm a former member of 593 Signal Company, that was posted at the "1 mile oval" from 77-79.
  • Have you ever found your father ? What unit was he in and his rank..? That would help someone to maybe rember him..Where was he from ?
  • Harry Warren, 502nd Engineer Co. (FB), 1973-1974
  • MY mother was stationed in Neureut with the company 269th 72nd from 80-86. I remember visiting the base all the time and hanging out in the bowling alley and even the little small theater on base (saw ET for my 10th birthday there). Good times.
  • Was with the original 40th Ordnance Co from June 64 to Dec 66. There was a gasthaus not far outside the post called Menzinger;s. There was a nightclub in Eggenstein called the Circus Room. Anyone?
  • my name is Terry Baumann. I served with the 269th Signal Company from 1985-1988. I was in HF Platoon, I had a great time and learned a lot about communications. Deployed all over Europe! Changed my MOS after being selected for White House Communications, made Sergeant Major as an Infantryman, I missed being a 31C, but made the right decision.
  • Was there from around july of 1953 to april of 1954. Was hated by the Battery Commander Capt. Sandoval. Sorry captain where ever you are that I only had a few months left in my 2 year tour upon arrival. You never got to take my 2 strips although you tried.
  • I was in the 269th '76-'77, a 52B gen'mech. My buddies called me "CB". I loved Karlsruhe and the forest between it and Neureut. Bader Meinhof murdered a judge downtown in those days. Lots of hash smoking in back then, crazy times.
  • It was cold there but it was colder in Fulda, I transferred to the 2nd in the summer of 62. Ray Bonebrake
  • Wow I cant believe its gone. I was in the 93rd MAB unit from 1977 to 1978. I can barely remember the barracks. 565th engineers. I was headquarters company and drove a duce and a half. Steve Ryan...SP4. We bridged the Rhine river with the help from the 502nd engineers.
  • I left there in Dec.22nd of 1978. I was with the 93rd MAB company. 565th Engineers. Steve Ryan
  • Was there1979-1982 269th Sig Co. Debra Johnson Bailey. Married Anthony Bailey 93rd Eng Co. Loved it there it was one of Germany's most beautiful cities to me. Loved going to the restaurant across the field where they played ⚽! Visited twiced since then.
  • i served in co a 17th signal battalion in karlsruhe ,neureut kaserne june 63 to june 65 i v isited there 5 years ago , the only thing left was te church and the em club . all the rest becam public housing Paul De Paolo
  • My husband was with the 516th (??) signal support group. We were there sept 68 - feb 70. He was sp5 and worked under a 4star whose wife started a Red Cross and I was a nurse so I assisted a dental surgeon (McTavish) from Texas. We lived on the economy just outside of Karlsruhe on haubenkopfstrasse #7 as I recall.
  • Can you remmenes a dick somerset i 1960. Please let me know.
  • Can you remmenes a dick somerset i 1960. Please let me know.
  • Jack Chance- I was stationed in Neureut from 1961-1964 and at 18 years old felt homesick arriving there from Texas. When I left there in 1964 it had been more of a home there. I also was in signal 69th and met some great guys. I have only made contact with one, Kermit Kidd. I sure hate that Neureut Kaserne is gone and would hope to return to that area some day.
  • Hi Tony, my dad was there in 69 too, perhaps you know of him?
  • Helle Laustsen posted... I am looking for a man whose name is Richard I Somerset. He served in the u.s army out of the office in Tennessee. He was sent to Karlruhe in southern Germany. He serve there from about 1957 till 1961 or so. He was a sergeant.
  • I was stationed at Neureut, 620th Supply Company from Jan. 1966 to Aug. 1967. I remember friends like Frank Bachman, Ed Dobies, Harvey Malmom, Lyndie McDaniel, Ron McCusker, Sheila from the USO, and others on the tip of my tongue. I see faces, cannot attach names. Would love to reconnect.
  • Hello ken rygler. Did you know a dirk ike sommerset
  • I was in the 502nd Combat Engineer Company from 1980 - 1984. I also remember Smiley Barracks and Gerzewski Barracks.
  • Was stationed at 502nd Engineer Company from 1980 - 1984. Loved going to the Gasthaus (restaurant) to eat jager schnitzel and then watch the Germans play soccer.
  • I was in the 93rd Eng from Jan 1985 to May 1988
  • I was in HQ platoon 269th under SFC Lowe (supply) and moved to Tropo platoon later. A flood of names hit me when I read your comment! I went to Coleman bks in Mannheim after a tour stateside.
  • Did you know a man from US army. WHO had a girlfriend Call Astrid krogul. She Got a baby Girl with him. Dirk sommerset was his name.
  • Hello Bob. Did you know a man Call dirk sommerset WHO was In germany AS a US soilder In neureut In 1958 to 1961 hi was In love with Astrid krogul. She Got a babygirl with him. Hi was a sergeant and hi was 32 years old at that time. Pleas let me know if you knew him
  • I was stationed at Neureut 11/71 to 4/74 72nd Sig Bn Tropo platoon. Lived off base in Kirchfeld. I was lucky enough to go back there in 87 before closure, even then the roads had changed a lot.
  • Tom, I was also 72nd Sig Bn from 72-74 was Tamms clerk and generator man for S.O.C till end of 73 then was transferred over to T.O.C till July-74 we could of crossed paths . Pieter DeZwart (Pete) is my name.
  • I have a few pictures on Neureut Kaserne, circa 1973 would post them if I can figure out how to.
  • wasthereseptember66tojan1968547signalcomikekonkol
  • anybody else with C / 447th attached to 68th Bn USSTRATCOM?
  • I was in Company A 17th Signal Battalion from 1962-1965
  • Hi, Do you remember a Gerald Allen Lewis, i have been looking for him since years.
  • I was stationed there from June 1962 til Jan 65 in company a 1st signal btn changed to a Co. 26 signal btn in 1964 good times .would like to hear from guys that were stationed there etc that time leon martin
  • I was in Tac Sat Plt. 268th sig. Co. 1sgt lopez and ssg. Kirkland was Plt. sgt. April 80 til April 83 This was the best unit and duty post i ever had in 18 years. We had lots of fun and went TDY to a lot of places. I remember two or three times a year company would have a pig roast. Maybe more lot a hog a big boy roasted over and open fire pit. Great times and even better people. I live in Copperas Cove Tx. now.
  • Really glad that you connected with your other friend wish you could of found your friend Darci keep trying I'm sure she will show up some time. Have you tried looking at the US Army sites on the Facebook sites they have many different page's and it could be that she is in contact with someone on there page and could be looking for you does she have info on you that is up to-date. Well good luck and i will let you or Darci know if i make contact with her and inform her that you are looking for her and i will also let you know if i or anyone else finds her location so take care and keep in touch with the friend that you already found and that is one more person helping in your search. To the next time we chat hang in their.
  • I was there from Nov 1972 thru Feb 1975. 324th Signal company. DSTE platoon. SGT Kishpaugh (Pappy) was our platoon SGT Good memories
  • Hi David. Just missed you. I was in 93rd from 83-85
  • Paul, Joe Wall here. Was there Aug.1962- Feb.65 I do remember you I was in A Co. 17th Sig. Played on the Karlsruhe Spartans Baseball team 63-64. You showed me how to eat pizza New York style. You fold it. See ya sometime
  • ...stationed with 593rd Sig Co. 7th Sig Brigade, "78-80" Great Unit, commanded by Cpt. Christopher Plummer. Best duty I had while serving.
  • I was in Neureut from 7/71 to 9/72 72 Sig Corp SOC. I also worked in Signal Maintenance and S-2. I have 2 buddies I still keep up with. Tom Marshall, TOC and Gary Waldrip, SOC. Lived on the economy in Eggenstilen.
  • I was in Neureut from 7/71 to 9/72 72 Sig Corp SOC. I also worked in Signal Maintenance and S-2. I have 2 buddies I still keep up with. Tom Marshall, TOC and Gary Waldrip, SOC. Lived on the economy in Eggenstilen.
  • I was in 269th SC in 86-89 Bill W
  • Olly I also remember Sterling McClain. I was in HF platoon. (Bill W)
  • Hey Pete I was also in the 72nd from 72-74 was in motor pool. I believe you were the one who gave me your guitar. Brian Yamada. You can find me on FB.
  • Hey Bill I was in Tropo Platoon 87-88 [Kevin Haley] 269th 72nd "Signal Soldiers!" Lolz!!
  • Det B 2nd Maint Bn, Sept 64-Sept 66. Great duty.
  • I was just a kid (17 yrs old) with the combat engineers ( m o s was 1641 comm chief and there was 3 of us jones's in the comm section . 1954-1956. anyone remember ?
  • my name is specialist /4 Anthony marcos villadamigo i was stationed in neureut kaserne military barracks with the 502nd engineer company company 2nd platoon river rats floating ribbon bridge unit from 1981 to 1984 .I am looking for my buddys who were station with me . I live in Miami florida my phone number is 786-362-2551 leave a message and I will return your call .I hope to find someone great memorys of the base. I heard the base closed and demolition all the buildings well thank you.
  • I was there from 78-81, 15th AG Postal Detachment. My last name was McKinney then Hulsinger.
  • I was in the 502nd first platoon 1983-85 The DUCE! Sgt Joe Kovach. Great memories!!
  • 15th Postal Det, 1980-1981.Hi, Karen. Smiled when I saw your name.
  • I served at neureut kaserne in 1986 and 1987 my name is Randy Curl. I'm looking for anyone I served with over there.
  • I was there from 3/62 until 7/63. I was in A company 17th signal bn.
  • I was a crane operator with the 502nd when this happened. The soldier's name was Sgt. Brunner. I was about 20ft away when he tried to jump on the running board and slipped.. My nickname was Bones, and I had a skull and cross bones on my driver door.
  • I was stationed there 81-83 593rd signal co. Looking for friends. Sorry it was closed good times there great club. I remember eating at the gasthaus across from the base at the soccer field. Great volksfest held there. I donated my time in the volksfest working in a dunk tank. Anyone remember the volksfest. Terry Aro
  • my name is George Mathews I was station there from june of 1956 to jan.1958 remember the soccerfield .I was in the signal co.
  • Jim warfel there 68/69 switchboard repair
  • I was in A CO. '57 to '59 .Sec 5 repeater repair. Toyko Bar ~ YES!!!Great duties. Spent lots of time in Copenhaven. Bob Sutton
  • I was stationed at 268 signal Co in 79 in the motor pool they had a race track down back of barracks . It was a lot of fun racing vw cars on oval track those were the days.
  • I arrived at Neureut Kaserne March 1965 and was assigned to Co C, 17th Signal Battalion. Five days later I was assigned to Headquarters, Personnel. Later in 1965 the 17th became the 72 Sig Bln in the 516th Sig Group. Apparently we crossed paths in 1965. I rotated back to the US in Sep 1966. Roger Mc, SP5E5
  • Mike, The winters were cold but the beer was warm. I rotated back to the states in Dec., 1963 to Ft. Lewis. It was in the 60s when I arrived. Hope all is well with you. Ray Bonebrake
  • Mike, I was the 502 Supply Sgt mid to late 75 then moved to 565 Engr Bn S-4 until I left in 7I.
  • 40th Ordnance Company from June 64 to Dec 66.
  • I was in the 93rd Engineers from 1975 (we were at Nellingen Barracks until spring 1977) until 1978. We had some lousy leadership and poor morale - good bunch of guys to work with, though. Wish I had never lost touch with that "Michelle" chick from the Signal outfit!!
  • I was there 62/63 Trans. Maint. Co 2nd Inf. Shout out to all my friends.
  • I was in the 502nd Engr Co. (AFB) 1977-1979, best years of my life! Short-timer nicknamed me "Beezer" Our company bridged some of the fastest waterways in Europe :)
  • My name is Phyllis Green: I'm sorry to hear about the closing of Neureut Kaserne. I was stationed there from July 1981-July 1985, assigned to the 15th Postal Det. I can remember Smiley Barracks, the PX, Commissary, & Housing Area. Some fond memories was eating at the German Mess Hall outside of Neureut Kaserne, and the restuarants downtown Karlsrhue. I had some good times in Germany and met so wonderful people. I was hoping of someday going back to visit, but oh well. Anyone from the 15th Postal Shout out to you!!!!
  • Fortuna was a good place to eat.
  • Was that the Gasthaus right across the street from Neureut Kaserne?
  • Scott Reed 72nd Bn Cdr 1979 - 1981 super troops!
  • SMITTY 268th signal 79 to 81. BEST MEMORIES
  • Elliiott was like yesterday was there from 1954-1956 ready to go home , just then i had to walk my baddie under the gun who went awol
  • I was there in 1969-71. 2nd Maintenance Battalion. I worked in headquarters.
  • I worked in headquarters 2nd maintenance battalion in 1969 also. Probably seen you there
  • My name is David Hall, SFC. I was with the 15th AG from 1975 to 1978 as the NCOIC of the unit. Great times now retired not only from the Army but now my 2nd Retirement with AT&T in Michigan. Would be great to hear from any of my old postal workers
  • This week I found a perfectly-perfect old ashtray at Goodwill that said, " NCO & EM Club Neuret Kaserne Karlsruhe" with a girl kicking up her leg inside a martini glass. I know what an EM club is, so I knew I had to look up the base. When did this base close?
  • BOB SUTTON SPC. 5 _ Company C 17th Sig. 1957 to 1960. Many great times.
  • I was in the 207th for one year, headquarters platoon. My opinion the solders were good but command stunk. Moral was generally low across the board and out of 12 years in the Army probably my worst duty assignment!
  • Wow, I'm surprised it's all gone now. I was stationed there from late '64 to June of '67, first in, I think, C Co. of the 17th Signal Battalion in USAREUR, but at some pt. later we were all switched over from USAREUR to USASTRATCOM-EUR & our co. became the 547th Signal Co. of a different Battalion & Signal Group, whose designations I can't remember anymore. I worked in the orderly rm. as a co. clerk. We had several 1st shirts during that pd. but the only one whose name I can remember offhand was 1st Sgt. Cambra from Hawaii (real name: DiCambra). One of the CO's we had was a 1st Lt./Capt. McGurk but I can't remember the names of the others right now.
  • Sorry, names unknown. But i am still trying to find out if any of my buddies are still around since I was the baby of the crowd at that time, 18 yrs old and now??? that was in the fifties,
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