Attock New Bridge

Pakistan / North-West Frontier / Akora /
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This is one of the most strategic bridge conneting Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa(North-Western Province) with Punjab province.This is new bridge, while old one situated on the left side while proceeding to wards Peshawar was actually built for military operation. This area was startigic for both- invaders from Central Asia as well as British forces.
Now it used for trade and public movement.
This new bridge construction is wounderful, wide and strong as the old bridge was narrow and very old and was used for both train and road transport.
It is said that Emperor Akbar the Great, the grandson of Babar, recognizing the strategic importance of this area in 1581 built his famous Attock Fort complex here. The fall of Mughal Empire in eighteenth century saw the rise of Sikhs in Punjab and Durrani Afghans to the west. Once again Attock became a battle ground between two contending powers. British finally ended the feud by subjugating both Sikhs and Afghans in the nineteenth century. British at the same time also brought rail line to the area, built first permanent bridge in 1880 over the Indus River, and established a new city of Campbellpur. After independence of Pakistan the city was renamed as Attock City while the old city by the river is called Attock Khurd (Little Attock).
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Coordinates:   33°53'50"N   72°14'5"E
This article was last modified 14 years ago