Daulatkhan Upazila HQ
Bangladesh /
Bhola /
Burhanuddin /
/ Bangladesh
/ Bhola
/ Burhanuddin
World / Bangladesh / Barisal / Patuakhali / Patuakhali
township, subdistrict, fourth-level administrative division, local government
Daulatkhan Upazila (Bhola district) with an area of 316.99 sq km, is bounded by Bhola sadar and Lakshmipur sadar upazilas on the north, Burhanuddin and Tazumuddin upazilas on the south, Ramgati upazila on the east, Bhola Sadar upazila on the west. Main river is Lower meghna.
The location of Daulatkhan town is 22.5984785N 90.74898E. Daulatkhan (Town) The town is now a municipality with an area of 2.34 sq km and population 14570; male 52.27%, female 47.73%. It has 9 wards and 9 mahallas. Literacy rate among the town people is 36.3%. The town has one Dakbungalow.
Daulatkhan thana, now an upazila, was established in 1822. It consists of 9 union parishads, 27 mouzas and 27 villages.
Archaeological heritage Charpata Daira Jami Mosque (18th century).
Historical events: Daulatkhan was named after a Mughal officer who fought valiantly against the Maghs and the Portuguese under Shahbaz Khan during the reign of Emperor Akbar.
As of the Bangladesh census: Population 153458; male 52.52%, female 47.46%, Muslim 96%, Hindu 3.99%, Buddhist .007%, others .003%.
Religious institutions Mosque 195, temple 11.
Literacy and educational institutions: Average literacy 24.5%; male 28.5%, female 19.9%. Educational institutions: college 1, government high school 2, non-government high school 12, madrasa 13, government primary school 63, non-government primary school 35; noted educational institution: Daulatkhan Government High School (1916).
Cultural organisations: Public library 1, rural club 41, cinema hall 4, theatre group 1, playground 50.
Main occupations: Agriculture 36.35%, fishing 9.98%, agricultural labourer 19.16%, wage labourer 5.34%, commerce 13.11%, construction 1.47%, service 5.52%, others 6.37%.
Land use: Total cultivable land 12102.38 hectares, land under cultivation 10602.99 hectares, fallow land 1499.39 hectares; single crop l30%, double crop 26%, and treble crop land 16%; cultivable land under irrigation 63%.
Land Control: Landless peasants 39%, marginal 35.44%, intermediate 9.06%, rich 1.23%; cultivable land per head 0.07 hectare.
Fisheries, poultries and dairies Fishery 20, poultry 9 and hatchery 40.
Communication facilities- Roads: pucca 27 km, semi pucca 05 km, mud road 153 km.
Manufactories Ice factory 28, welding 12.
Cottage industries: Weaving, bamboo work, goldsmith, blacksmith, wood work, tailoring.
NGO activities: brac, asa, proshika, RASA, COAST, Solve, Swanirvar Bangladesh.
Health centres: Upazila Health Complex 1, Union Health and Family Welfare Centre 9.
The location of Daulatkhan town is 22.5984785N 90.74898E. Daulatkhan (Town) The town is now a municipality with an area of 2.34 sq km and population 14570; male 52.27%, female 47.73%. It has 9 wards and 9 mahallas. Literacy rate among the town people is 36.3%. The town has one Dakbungalow.
Daulatkhan thana, now an upazila, was established in 1822. It consists of 9 union parishads, 27 mouzas and 27 villages.
Archaeological heritage Charpata Daira Jami Mosque (18th century).
Historical events: Daulatkhan was named after a Mughal officer who fought valiantly against the Maghs and the Portuguese under Shahbaz Khan during the reign of Emperor Akbar.
As of the Bangladesh census: Population 153458; male 52.52%, female 47.46%, Muslim 96%, Hindu 3.99%, Buddhist .007%, others .003%.
Religious institutions Mosque 195, temple 11.
Literacy and educational institutions: Average literacy 24.5%; male 28.5%, female 19.9%. Educational institutions: college 1, government high school 2, non-government high school 12, madrasa 13, government primary school 63, non-government primary school 35; noted educational institution: Daulatkhan Government High School (1916).
Cultural organisations: Public library 1, rural club 41, cinema hall 4, theatre group 1, playground 50.
Main occupations: Agriculture 36.35%, fishing 9.98%, agricultural labourer 19.16%, wage labourer 5.34%, commerce 13.11%, construction 1.47%, service 5.52%, others 6.37%.
Land use: Total cultivable land 12102.38 hectares, land under cultivation 10602.99 hectares, fallow land 1499.39 hectares; single crop l30%, double crop 26%, and treble crop land 16%; cultivable land under irrigation 63%.
Land Control: Landless peasants 39%, marginal 35.44%, intermediate 9.06%, rich 1.23%; cultivable land per head 0.07 hectare.
Fisheries, poultries and dairies Fishery 20, poultry 9 and hatchery 40.
Communication facilities- Roads: pucca 27 km, semi pucca 05 km, mud road 153 km.
Manufactories Ice factory 28, welding 12.
Cottage industries: Weaving, bamboo work, goldsmith, blacksmith, wood work, tailoring.
NGO activities: brac, asa, proshika, RASA, COAST, Solve, Swanirvar Bangladesh.
Health centres: Upazila Health Complex 1, Union Health and Family Welfare Centre 9.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 22°35'45"N 90°43'37"E
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