Kaligonj Upazila HQ

Bangladesh / Gazipur /
 industrial area, township, fourth-level administrative division

Kaliganj Upazila (Gazipur district) with an area of 158.79 sq km is bounded by Kapasia on the north, Rupganj and Palash upazilas on the south, Palash upazila on the east, Rupganj, Gazipur sadar and Sreepur upazilas on the west. Main rivers are Banar, Shitalakshya and Balu.

The geographic coordinates of Kaliganj town are 23.9241043N 90.5582887E degree. Kaliganj (Town) consists of 8 mouzas with an area of 3.92 sq km. It has a population of 11810; male 53.95%, female 46.05%; density of population is 3013 per sq km. Literacy rate among the town people is 42.1%.

Kaliganj thana was established in 1947 and was turned into an upazila in 1980. The upazila consists of 6 union parishads, 93 mouzas and 105 villages.

Archaeological heritage and relics: Ancient Mosque (sixteenth century), ancient graveyard at Baktarpur and it is assumed that Isa Khan, leader of the Baro Bhuiyans, was laid to rest here; St. Nicholas Church (1640).

Historical events Shah Karfarma established a Khanqah at Chauddagram and preached Islam in the region. The Gazis of Bhawal established their administrative centre here.

Religious institutions Mosque 400, temple 10, church 5, most noted of which are St. Nicholas Church.

As of 1991 Bangladesh census, Population 175915; male 51.86%, female 48.14%; Muslim 87.95%, Hindu 10.54%, Christian 1.37%, Buddhist 0.02%, others 0.12%; ethnic nationals: Santal, Koch, Rajbanshi, Mandi (about 40 families).

Literacy rate and educational institutions: Average literacy 33.3%; male 38.9%, female 27.8%. Educational institutions: college 2, madrasa 2, non-government secondary school 43, government primary school 74, non-government primary school 2. Rajendra Narayan High School is notable.

Main occupations Agriculture 47.35%, dairy and fishery 1.89%, agricultural labourer 11.32%, wage labourer 2.11%, weaving 1.71%, commerce 9.22%, transport 1.79%, service 15.84%, others 8.77%.

Land use Cultivated land 30918.66 hectares, fallow land 1505.46 hectares; single crop land 40.85%, double crop 52.42% and treble crop land 6.73%.

Land control Among the peasants 29.59% are landless, 32.25% marginal peasant, 23.5% intermediate peasant, 14.66% rich; per capita cultivated land 0.18 hectare.

Fisheries, poultries and dairies Fishery 2, dairy 1, poultry 80, hatchery 2.

Communication facilities Roads: pucca 80 km, semi pucca 12 km, mud road 640 km; railways 12 km; waterways 27 nautical mile.

Manufactories Flour mill 2, sawmill 15, cotton mill 2 (Muslim Cotton Mills was founded in 1954).

Cottage industries Handloom 2, bamboo work 16, goldsmith 20, blacksmith 32, potteries 55, tailoring 200, welding 22.

NGO activities brac, proshika, grameen bank.

Health Centres Upazila health complex 1, union health centre 2, family welfare centre 1, missionary hospital 1.
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Coordinates:   23°55'33"N   90°33'35"E
This article was last modified 13 years ago