
India / Maharashtra / Mowad /
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Some information about village Mowad
Mowad is a village in the tehsil / Taluka of Narkhed in Nagpur district of Maharashtra . The place was devastated in Wardha Reiver floods of 1991. As per provisional census for the year 2011 village Mowad of Tehsil / Taluka Narkhed in the Nagpur district has 1823 households and Total Population of 8737 , Of this , male population is 4489 and female Population is 4248 . Postal PIN code for Branch Post Office / Sub Post Office of Mowad is 441303 Shared with 1 other village under one Head Post Office.
Taluka : Narkhed, district: Nagpur
Most affected area in flood to wardha river in 1991.
then rehabitated.

Mr. Ramesh Mahadeo Sorte, ward no.-01, house no.-31.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   21°27'58"N   78°26'58"E


  • this in narkhed thasil
  • Muncipal corporation established in 1863
  • This is my native place. I have completed my primary education from Nagar Parishad High School Mowad. Now I am working in Sharjah and i miss my village very much
  • This is my native place. my education in up to SSC from gangaram bhagwan high school, Mowad , after my education in Nagpur of DNC college,congres nagar, i am leaving in @Amravati with my family, and also I am working in Amravati in Jadhao Gears Pvt. Ltd, as a' Marketing Manager', last 16 th year, i am any time miss my village , thanks J.D.Kurhade
  • This is my native place.I completed my education from Nagar Parishad High School Mowad. Old village was very good than new. I miss my old village..........LALIT K. KOLHE
  • This is my native place.I love too much.My town is too beautiful and nice. Also famous for bharat chodo andolan in 1942. British did firing to people.
  • I am looking for photos of Mahendri Village near Mowad
  • I am a resident of Mowad Distt.Nagpur......Dr.A.M.Dharme
  • Congrate Mrs.Solanki, & Mendhe Madam, President, N.P. Mowad for their hard efforts for declared defaecation free town under Gram Swacchta Abhiyan.-----Dr. A.M.Dharme, Amravati. ,
  • I am very glad because i belongs to "Mowad",which is my Birth place. Mowad is a city and one of the oldest municipal councils in Nagpur district of Maharashtra, India. since last 5 years MOWAD is a one step ahead towards development....!!!!
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This article was last modified 11 years ago