Big Lagoon

USA / California / Trinidad /
 beach, park
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Public Park, small community of 110 homes using septic tanks or leach fields. VERY dangerous surf. Drownings on a regular basis. Wonderfully beautiful. Local bring small boats on weekends to enjoy the rather calm lagoon. Lagoon can become dangerous under light winds.

During World War II the Big Lagoon was a bombing target range. The site is on various federal and state governmental agency clean up site lists but nothing has been done to manage unexploded munititions and other toxic or dangerous matter that still exists on the site.

The former Big Lagoon commercial sawmill sits upstream of the Big Lagoon.
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Coordinates:   41°11'4"N   124°7'1"W


  • For a period in the 20th Century, Big Lagoon was a bombing target practice range. The Defense Department, General Accounting Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS), California Department of Toxic Substances Control and other state and Federal Agencies have Big Lagoon on their lists of clean up sites. Apparently unexploded devices have been found and a more thorough search and clean up operation is needed. The Big Lagoon Subdivision and the Big Lagoon Rancheria sit on the southern edge of the Big Lagoon. They represent the edge of an "urban limit line" that has been previously established by Humbolt County planning authorities. The Subdivision is composed of two areas: Big Lagoon Park Company and Big Lagoon Estates. The Park Company -- or Big Lagoon Colony as referenced by the Humboldt County Film Comission -- is comprised of the owners of approximately 76 cabins/cottages many used primarily as summertime retreats (the majority of the cabins are said to have originally been constructed in 1929. The Big Lagoon Estates, approximately 33 units, are newer and some what larger homes built. The Big Lagoon Rancheria is a small 20-acre Indian Reservation that is home to approximately 24 members of the tribe (all relatives of tribal chairman Virgil Moorehead). In addition to lands under local, state and federal stewardship that immediately surround the lagoon; the larger surrounding region is primarily hundreds of acres of commercial timberlands that abut the ancient Redwood National Forest.
This article was last modified 12 years ago