India /
Mizoram /
North Vanlaiphai /
Thingsai Road
/ India
/ Mizoram
/ North Vanlaiphai
World / India / Mizoram / Lunglei
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Cherhlun is a village in the Hnahthial sub district/tehsil/taluk, Lunglei district, in the state of Mizoram.
The population in Cherhlun village is 2,235 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 445 House Holds in Cherhlun.
There are 1,137 males (51%); There are 1,098 females (49%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 2,218 (99% ).
The population in Cherhlun village is 2,235 as per the survey of census during 2011 by Indian Government.
There are 445 House Holds in Cherhlun.
There are 1,137 males (51%); There are 1,098 females (49%).
Scheduled Cast are 0 (0%)
Total Scheduled Tribe are 2,218 (99% ).
Nearby cities:
Coordinates: 22°59'54"N 93°5'25"E
- Thingsai 6.5 km
- Pangzawl 22 km
- Lungdar East 24 km
- Khawbung 24 km
- Khawlailung 27 km
- Lungtian 32 km
- Tawipui South 44 km
- Saikao 70 km
- Phura 87 km
- Surkhua 99 km
- Khawnglung Wildlfe Sanctuary 19 km
- Darzo 23 km
- Tlangpi lopil 2015 24 km
- Sangau 29 km
- Chhimtuipui kual mawilai tak 29 km
- Mizoram 37 km
- phawngpui tlang 38 km
- Chhimtuipui a kunag zau lai ber (Mizoram chhung chinah) 39 km
- Phawngpui National Park 39 km
- Thantlang 48 km