Heck House

USA / Florida / Country Walk /
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The Heck House, now demolished, was purchased by the NPS from the family of Donald Heck. Parcel contained the home, mango grove, artificial pond and private road.
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Coordinates:   25°36'35"N   80°34'0"W


  • Does anyone know about this house being haunted or anything? or any information on the history of the house/property and owners. Thanks
  • Yes actually, I know it's not. I personally asked the house if it was haunted and she says no she's just a house, hanging out.
  • She doesn't explain her history though, I would also like to know if anyone has got anything on this.
  • i went there about 2 days ago at night it was really frighting from a distance couldn't get past the main gate tho
  • The house is a she?
  • The house is a she?
  • House looked pretty scary when I check it out. Even scarier though was the Park Ranger who harassed me for an hour and told me to to never return to Everglades NP.
  • Looks like the house was razed, which isn't surprising given that other structures in the area have met the same fate.
  • Yep, gone. Found this in a government document: "Heck House and property is located at 16595 SW 232 Ave, Miami, FL, purchased by the NPS from the Donald Heck family. The parcel contains a small mango grove west of the main house. The Cartier Place and property is located at 14851 SW 254 Ave, Miami, FL. These houses are currently vacant and are scheduled to be demolished with the sites restored as part of the Everglades Restoration Program. "
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This article was last modified 7 years ago