Banda Aceh

Indonesia / Aceh / Banda Aceh /
 city, capital city of state/province/region

Banda Aceh is the capital and largest city of Aceh province in Indonesia. It was established as the capital of the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam when the kingdom of Samudera Pasai was on the verge of collapse in the 14th century. The Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam was built on the ruins of the kingdoms of Hinduism and Buddhism, such as the Kingdom of Indra Purba, the Kingdom of Indra purwa, the kingdom of Indra Patra, and the Kingdom Indrapura (Indrapuri).

It fell into Dutch hands in the Aceh War of 1873-74, consolidating Dutch rule in Indonesia and ending the Sultanate of Aceh. Dutch rule ended in World War II when Japanese troops occupied Indonesia.

The city was heavily damaged by the December 26, 2004 tsunami, caused by an underwater earthquake off the shore of Sumatra. 60% of the city's buildings were destroyed and tens of thousand of people were killed.
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Coordinates:   5°32'54"N   95°19'20"E